The Morning

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July 29th, 1996

Elle's back was facing towards Draco while his hand was on her hip. Elle woke up, the sun was shining and the curtains flew in the wind, she turned around and saw her husband sleeping. She smiled and cupped his cheek.

"So precious" she whispered

She pulled herself closer and buried her face into his chest, she felt Draco's right hand press on her back and his left arm pull her head closer to his chest. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

"You are the best person I could ever have" whispered Elle and brushed her head on Draco's chest

She fell back asleep while sensing Draco's cologne. She remembered that they will have to battle their friends and teachers around May and got a little sad.

Elle felt Draco stroke her head and tangle his fingers into her hair, she smiled and pulled away. She saw her husband again, this time he was awake, she looked into his stormy grey eyes.

"Good morning" whispered Draco
"Good morning" smiled Elle and he kissed her
"How did you sleep?" smiled Draco while stroking her cheek
"I slept well, what about you?" she asked
"Never better," he said and kissed her forehead
"I'm going to dismiss the elves today. I'll cook for us" smiled Elle as Draco pulled her on top of him and hugged her tightly

Draco nodded and she started kissing all over his face.

"Stop" laughed Draco and Elle just continued
"Stop!" he laughed
"I can't! I love you too much" laughed Elle and finally kissed his lips
"I love you more," he said when she stopped
"Let's eat breakfast," said Elle and stood up

Elle was in white lingerie that Draco dressed her in yesterday. He pushed himself on his elbows and stared at Elle's bum, he smirked and threw himself back.

"We should get tattoos," he said while looking at the ceiling
"Yeah" smiled Elle
"It would look so cool" he said

Elle felt her panties being wet, she looked at the white knickers and saw red stains.

"Fuck" she grunted
"What?" asked Draco
"I got my period," said Elle
"Oh come on. Why now?" asked Draco
"Could you please check the sheets?" asked Elle while walking into the bathroom
"Yeah," said Draco
He pulled the duvet up and didn't see anything.
"There are no stains!" he yelled

He stood up and made the bed. He walked to the bathroom after Elle and opened the door. She was in the shower and he came in.

"Can I join you?" asked Draco and leaned on the sink
"No," she said
"Why not?" asked Draco annoyed
"I'm on my period. I don't want you to stand in my blood what the fuck? That's gross" laughed Elle
"I don't care" snapped Draco
"You're not getting in," said Elle and Draco started undressing himself
"I am," he said and she knew exactly what to say
"I'm not comfortable with it," she said and he pulled his pants back up
"Then I'll leave you, I'm going down to dismiss the elves and I'll make you breakfast," said Draco and left
"Such a softie," said Elle and he came back
"What was that?" he asked while poking his head out
"Nothing" smiled Elle and he nodded
"Softie" she whispered and this time he didn't hear her

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