The Train Ride

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January 4th, 1996

Elle and Draco were getting ready to go back to Hogwarts, but little did they know... they are not going back alone. They walked down the stairs and spotted Camile with her suitcase at the bottom

"You guys ready?" she asked
"Where are you going?"
"To Hogwarts, what else?"
"Oh my god kill me now," said Draco.

He swiftly walked out of the manor and Elle followed him

"I'm gonna fucking kill that bitch... taking away my privacy, killing my fun, trying to fuck me all the time... I have never seen a more disgusting person in my fucking life" he said
"Draco stop. Just relax okay?" said Elle barely keeping up with him, he ignored her and looked forward
"Draco listen to me!"

She said and stood her ground before him, he looked into her eyes and immediately stopped
'fuck now I'm in trouble' he thought

"Yeah big trouble," said Elle
"Hey! Stop reading my mind!" he said fakely offended
"No! Relax first, inhale and exhale," she said and placed her hands on his chest
"Okay okay," he said trying to calm down
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath
"Good, now listen clearly to what I'm going to say," she said
"We are going to ignore her and you will stop stressing about her, I'm here okay. If you need a hug to tell me if you need a kiss just kiss me if you need comfort come to me... okay?" she said while her hands were on the back of his neck
"Okay, I need a hug," he said and she hugged him
"I love you baby"
"I love you too"

On the train:

Elle and Draco found themselves an empty compartment and sat down next to each other. Soon Crabbe and Goyle came there and sat in front of them

"Hello boys" smiled Elle
"H-Hi Elle," said Crabbe while blushing, he was into her (why do I feel like Crabbe is a softie?)
"Stop stuttering it's getting on my nerves" mumbled Draco
"Draco! Stop being rude, apologize now..." he didn't move
"I said... now," repeated Elle and he was still ignoring her
"Draco! Apologize!" she said and he sight
"Fine..." he rolled his eyes
"Go on"
"I'm sorry, it's nice seeing you two are actually alive," said Draco and got back into his previous position
"It's okay Draco. We forgive you, we always do" smiled Goyle and patted his shoulder.

Elle started reading her book, Draco was looking out the window while she was in his arms, Goyle was picking his nose and Crabbe stared at Elle the whole time. Thankfully Draco didn't notice... yet. Camila approached their compartment with Shanon and Pansy behind her, she opened the door and everyone looked up at them, besides Crabbe who was still looking at Elle

"Hello, mind if we sit here?" smiled Camila, and Draco rolled his eyes
"Yes we do, now get out of my face" he hissed                      
"Rude much?" asked Shanon      
"Very rude... now if you'll excuse us-" said Elle standing up and walking out, Draco behind her
Camila grabbed her upper arm and stopped her from walking away

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked
"Fuck off Camila," said Elle and shrugged from her grip
"Bloody hell" they heard someone say from behind them

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