The Truth Unfold

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A/N: Hi. I just wanted to say, that I want you to read all of the chapters with passion, cause you will feel a big difference and also I advise you to read it with the page and dark mode on, it just looks better, it feels more like a book and it's better for your eyesight. Enjoy this chapter <3


December 28th, 1995

Draco and Elle were having breakfast at the Malfoy Manor with Narcissa and Lucius. They were eating in silence, Elle didn't mind that, she liked it. Then Lucius started talking

"So... When are you two getting married?"
"When I propose, and I'm not going to tell you when so don't ask the question again cause it's a secret," said Draco and continued eating
"Will it be soon?" asked Narcissa
"Not telling you," he said

After breakfast, they went on a walk in the garden, Scorpius was in his stroller, wrapped up in a blanket and sleeping. Elle was pushing it and Draco was walking next to her, they were just talking about some stuff.

When they came back Draco's aunt Bellatrix came and kissed his cheek

"Draco! I got some exciting news for you! You will be very happy!" she said with her annoying voice
"Go on tell me," he said in annoyance
"Camila is coming here. I invited her to stay with us for New Year's!"
"I am not excited..."
"No, not a bit," said Draco with a low voice
"Well I thought you would like to see her after all this time"
"Forgive me for interrupting but... Who's Camila?" asked Elle
"Draco's ex, they were very serious you know. They dated in the third and fourth year. She is lovely and I hope they get back together, Draco is after all the best bachelor isn't he?" she looked at Draco
"Your friend won't mind will she?"
"Bella, she is my wife and the mother of my son," said Draco
"Who is?"
"Oh I didn't know, well I hope you two won't mind Camile staying here for four days"
"It's okay really," said Elle and smiled
"No it's not," said Draco
"Draco, we'll have fun okay?"
"See Draco, even your friend-"
"She's my wife, not a friend Bella" interrupted Draco
"Sorry, even your WIFE is happy to meet her"
"I am sure she's lovely" smiled Elle
"Don't be, she's a fucking psychopath" said Draco and rushed to their room
"I'm sorry for his behaviour Mrs Lestrange"
"It's alright, we are used to it, you know having men that are the same in the house is annoying, but you get used to it. You can call me Bella."
"Okay, and I totally agree with you, Draco and Lucius are the same"
"Where is the little one?" asked Bella
"Umm... in the stroller, he's sleeping"
"It's a he? Oh god another Mr Malfoy in the house, this will be fun" said Bella in annoyance
"Well I wanted a boy so it's alright" Elle looked down at her son
"Could I see him?"
"Yes of course," Elle wanted to pull the baby out of his stroller to put him in Bella's arms
"No no, I can't hold him. I don't know how to, I'll just look at him" said Bella in embarrassment
"Well okay," said Elle and smiled

Bellatrix looked at the baby who was laying in his black stroller and sleeping. She held his little hand and smiled, she remembered the first time she met Draco, he was laughing in his bed and she also held his little hand. Tears threatened to fall down her cheeks but she fought them

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