The Actions You Show Me...

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December 28th, 1994

Elle, Draco, Narcissa, and Lucius apparated to the gate of the manor. It was very gloomy and dark, there were dark bushes and white roses. They were probably hexed since it's the end of December.

The gate opened and they walked in, there was a wide path to the actual villa. Elle liked it, it was dark and cold and peaceful.

She loved rainy days, she would always choose rain over the sun, not because she was depressed or something like that, she just liked it.

Lucius and Narcissa were walking hand in hand in front of Draco and Elle, who were also holding hands. They came in and she started looking around the place and observing it. It was all in black with green details like statues or fabrics. She smiled.

"It's pretty dark, compared to your home"
"I never liked how my mother designed our home" Elle laughed
"Yes, me and father wanted black and gold but since she was the head of the designs she decorated everything in whites and pinks and flowers, it's gross really"
"Okay, so you must like our home."
"I love it here, and I like that it's not sunny" she smiled
"And you are my new favorite person in the house"
"Hey what about me?!" asked Draco
"You are second, sorry," said Narcissa making a pouty face.
"Okay the day after tomorrow we're going to Diagon Alley to buy some things, so tomorrow you have a free day and can relax" she smiled and left
"Well I'll get all day to cuddle you," said Elle
"And I'll have all day to sleep and fuck" he laughed
"So horny all the time!" Elle laughed
"I love you baby"
"I love you too"

Draco showed her to his room and she collapsed onto his bed. He sat down next to her and put his hand on her thigh.

"I'm going to shower"

She snapped and walked to his bathroom, she LOVED the tiling, the tiles were polished and black. She took her clothes off and stepped into the ginormous shower, it was as big as hers back at home, maybe even bigger. She turned on the shower and put it on hot, she loved hot showers, the heat calmed her, the hectic drops of water running down her body were soothing. She washed her hair, body, and shaved. Today she was ending her period since it was the fourth day, her periods weren't long. She peeked out of the shower and realized she forgot the towel in Draco's room.

"Draco!" she yelled and he came into the bathroom
"Yes, baby?"
"I forgot my towel in your room could you pass it to me?"
"Why don't you just walk out naked? It's not like I haven't seen anything"
"Draco just pass me the towel," she said and he remained silent
"Please?" she said and he still didn't say a word
"Okay daddy no pussy for the whole month"
"Yeah yeah I'm getting the towel," he said while running to get it
"Thank you" she smiled and he just stood there

She came out wrapped in her towel and admiring herself in the mirror, she smiled while turning to look at how her ass looked like. Draco was standing there watching what she was doing with wide eyes in which you could see hearts. She looked at him and chuckled

"Like what you see Malfoy?"
"Malfoy? My name is baby and yes I love it" he said offended
"And I love you"
She said, came closer and put her hands on his neck while he pulled her closer to his body
"I love you too princess" and they kissed

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