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It was the early hours of the morning when Amara awoke. With nobody else awake from her dormitory, she made her way quietly into the common room, a book under her arm as she crept through the hallway.

"Good morning Amara," she turned to see Tom Riddle sitting on the sofa opposite the fireplace, a book in his hands, "interesting spell you did there yesterday..."

"Yes, it was," she said simply, taking a seat and opening up her book aimlessly. Amara turned her attention away from Tom, and toward the book her Father had packed for her. She had to get to work and the sooner the better.

"It took the workers in the Hospital bay three hours to figure out the counter curse," he raised his eyebrows, "I would call that somewhat impressive."

Amara paused for a moment, smiling briefly before wiping it clean from her face. She glanced up at Tom, her eyes locking on to his expressionless face. "Only somewhat?" She raised her brows, "I doubt anyone else even knows the spell." It was something she had picked up from her family. A habit of the Rosier family was often to create their own spells, rich with dark magic, and unstoppable from those who did not know them.

Tom turned to face her, closing his book loudly, "teach it to me." His face remained expressionless, but his eyes locked onto hers.

She hesitated, studying him. "Is there finally a spell that Hogwarts' golden student doesn't know?" She felt a smile creeping up on her.

Tom rolled his eyes. "Well?" He pressed, "will you?"

"I'll teach it to you, for a price-"

"-a price?" He shook his head, "I don't do business with students."

"If you don't want to know, then I'll just go back to my book." She opened her book loudly, speed reading through the first chapter as she felt his eyes burning into her side.

As soon as she finished her chapter, he spoke again. "What kind of price?"

With a small grin, Amara looked up at him, "if I teach you the spell, you keep Nova in check, or I shall have to do far worse to her, and I'd rather not waste the effort."

He pondered for a moment before nodding. "I suppose I could oblige," he said curtly.

"Then we have a deal," she reached out her hand, gasping as his cold hands interlocked with hers.

Tom shook his head, "it's just a bit of cold Amara, no need to be afraid. There'll be far worse come Winter" He shook her hand firmly, "how about you meet me later on the sixth floor?"

"Where?" Amara questioned, there was nothing on the sixth floor, at least nothing she knew of and Amara had made it her business to know every inch of the castle, she never knew when it might come in handy.

"Trust me, I'll be able to find you," Tom shot her a look before sliding his book into his pocket. "Anyway, I'll see you in Potions..." He walked out of the common room, leaving Amara alone.

Although term at Hogwarts had only just begun, Amara thought back to her conversation with her father before she had left. She knew she would soon have to begin putting her plan into action. She had to make her family proud and she had to do it soon. Taking a piece of parchment and a quill from the table beside her, Amara began to write. She began to write a letter that would prove to her father that she was worthy, he should have taken a chance on her before Roman, she had always been the better Rosier.

Dear Father,

The term has only just begun, yet I am already prepared to embark on the plan—the one I vow not to fail, unlike Roman. I will not allow the Rosier legacy to falter. Soon, the entire wizarding world will tremble at the sound of our name. Rosier will be whispered with fear, a name too powerful to speak aloud. Those who doubted us will rue the day they ever questioned our strength.

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