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Amara knew she couldn't exactly ask Professor Blackburn about casting a full body disillusionment charm, but somehow, she had to learn exactly how to do just that. If she didn't, she would never do what her father needed her to do, she would become another family disappointment.

Although oblivious to Amara's true desires with the charm, Juliet was more than willing to help her learn, after all, neither one would be able to learn alone. The duo spent hours in the library researching, but much to their dismay, they were no further than when they had started. Practice sessions in the common room had yet to prove fruitful and time was ticking along quicker than they would like.

"So..." began Juliet, "we've tried The Standard Book of Spells, Advanced Charm Casting and The Book of Charms and Spells." She listed off each book as she dropped it on the cold dungeon floor, "is there anything else we can do?"

Amara shook her head, "it's just not quite working." She flicked her wand again at the book sat before her, "illusiont." Before her eyes, the book became a shade lighter.

"It's better than last time! We haven't had enough transparency, everything we try is translucent." Juliet shook her head, "how are we meant to do this?"

"Didn't Blackburn mention another book we could read earlier this year...." Amara scratched her head, "something about Charms."

"Aren't all charms books about Charms?"

She laughed, "well, yes indeed they are. Why don't you keep reading, and then I'll go and find another book?" She posed it as a question, waiting for Juliet to nod along before she made her way out of the Dungeon.

Amara had spent enough time in the library during the past few weeks that she knew her way around it, even with her eyes closed. Without hesitation, she made her way towards the Charms section, running her fingers along the spines of each book.

"A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions." She nodded at the book, watching as it levitated towards her, "perfect."

"The Book of Charms & Spells, Extreme Incantations, Charms of Defence and Deterrence, The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection." Every book she saw now hovered beside her in a neat pile, following her as she made her way over to a nearby table.

"Right," she said to herself, "one of these has to be useful..." Amara burrowed down into her books, letting herself get lost in the pages detailing more spells than she could even imagine, but alas, none that she needed.

"Does one person really need all those books?"

She turned to see Tom Riddle stood behind her, his gang of followers waiting a few feet away, just out of earshot.

"Yes, in fact, I do," said Amara, closing the books with a wave of her wand and making her way back to the bookshelf.

Tom followed close behind her, "you know, books can only teach one so much. Practical application is always far better."

There was something in the way he spoke, something that intrigued Amara. Although she was no Ravenclaw, she couldn't help the curiosity that was bubbling away inside of her: Tom knew something she didn't, and that wasn't how she liked it.

"I'll bear that in mind." She shook her head, sliding each book back into its place.

"Always a pleasure Amara." He grinned at her, navigating back through the library towards his followers.

Amara smiled briefly. She simply had to figure this out. It wouldn't be long until it was the Christmas Holidays, and if she had nothing to update her father on, there would be consequences far greater than she could imagine.

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