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As much as Amara was fond of Hogwarts, she found the Welcome Feast to be overwhelming to say the least. Walking into the Great Hall, she could feel all eyes on her, she had become somewhat notorious during the events that had unfolded during her previous year at Hogwarts and although it seemed her unwanted popularity had died down over the summer, it still hadn't faded enough for her liking.

"Take a deep breath," Juliet muttered beside her, squeezing Amara's shoulder as they took their seats at the Slytherin table.

As the pair took their seats, all Slytherin eyes were on them, "enjoying the attention Rosier?" Amara heard Tom Riddle call out to her from across the table.

Plastering a fake grin on her cheeks, Amara curtseyed, "you know me Riddle, I love being the centre of attention." As soon as Amara was back at Hogwarts and in the presence of her fellow classmates, the masquerade began, a masquerade that would remain until the day she left to return home in summer. Around them, she had to be someone else, she had to truly be a Rosier.

"So," Juliet began, kindly taking the attention away from Amara, "how was everyone's summer?"

More than happy to talk about himself, Altman Avery began, "Father was rather occupied with his work in the Ministry of course, we had several influential individuals at the house so I have been building up my contacts for once we are finally able to leave this mudblood infested school. I'd quite like to work my way up to Minister, it seems easily feasible..."

Abraxas Malfoy nodded beside him, "me too. It's been so tedious having meetings.."

Around her, the Slytherins nodded in agreement. Amara felt herself being pulled sideways towards Juliet, "what am I supposed to do once I leave Hogwarts?" She heard her friend worry beside her. "I don't have a plan, or connections like Avery and Malfoy!"

"We'll both work for the Ministry, like our parents, it's all sorted out..." She trailed off. Amara wasn't sure she wanted to work in the Ministry, but she had few options, she didn't even know if the Ministry would take her now, with everything about her brother. "We can be Aurors, or maybe Headmaster Dippet would take us as Professors."

"Well, we are one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, people will be lining up to give us jobs, high powered ones in the Ministry seem most likely..." Added Altman Avery as he took a bite of his pie.

Juliet lent in closer to Amara, "what if I don't want to work for the Ministry?"

"Well who would?" Amara turned to see Tom Riddle had joined their conversation, "working in the Ministry would be far too tedious. After all, everyone knows the Ministry is corrupted by muggle sympathisers."

"Oh yes?" Amara tilted her head at him, her eyes meeting his "well then, what would be a career you consider worthy of having you?"

"Amara," he rolled his eyes, "there are so many possibilities..."

She pressed him. "Such as?"

"Perhaps you should find out for yourselves, but I believe you could do far better than working for the Ministry," Tom winked quickly at Amara, so fast she almost thought she had imagined it.

"Well, that was not even slightly helpful Tom!" Juliet furrowed her brows, "go back to having Nova fawn over you, we have better things to be talking about." As soon as Tom returned to his conversation with Nova, Juliet spoke again in a hurried tone, "Amara! Are there even other possibilities for us? I thought we had to work for the Ministry! I don't even know what I want to do anymore."

"You still have time," Amara took a deep breath, hoping Juliet would mimic her, "remember, this year we have a careers advice meeting, I'm sure we'll find out all about the different careers we can do during that." She hadn't heard the best things about careers meetings from previous students, but it was the only real hope she had. "I'm sure Professor Slughorn could give us some advice, he knows a lot of influential wizards, perhaps he could put in a good word."

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