The New World Needed Room For Me And You

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I'm suddenly really into writing songfics even though I used to hate them lol :) (tbh I also don't really like reading them they're just fun to write)

Me? Taking the saying "Imma steal your kneecaps" way too literally?? More likely than you'd think

Me: PEIP is evil now.
Also me: Not McNamara though I like him

Song is Our Love Is God from Heathers :)

-(Experimental) Torture
-Surgery without anesthesia


"PAUL, NO!" Emma screamed as the infected version of the man she missed so much closed in on her and he grabbed her arm, helping, no, forcing her to stand up.

"Join the party, Emma," Paul said, smiling so the blue stains on his teeth were visible. "You'll be hap-"

A loud BANG sounded through the room. Paul looked down at the small dart that had pierced through the skin of his arm. He slowly pulled it out. "Dammit..." he mumbled, letting Emma go before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he crumpled onto the floor.

"What the fuck was that?!" Emma shouted when she saw colonel Schaffer stand in the doorway.

"Sorry, Kelly. I'll explain later. Come with me," she calmly said, reaching for Emma's arm.

"Fuck no! I want an explanation first."

"Sorry, Kelly, I can't do that."

"Well, then I'm not-" Emma raised her hands as the colonel raised her tranquilizer again. "I'm sorry, I'll-"

Emma flinched as the dart hit her neck. The look of betrayal on her face didn't fade, even as she slipped into unconsciousness.

*** *** ***

Emma woke up about an hour later and immediately started fighting against the men who were strapping her wrists to a medical table.

Something was covering her mouth and nose, like an oxygen mask, and she slowly took in her surroundings. It looked like she was still in the hospital. Had it been a dream? A hallucination? Was Paul still alive? Or was she just so high on pain medication that she couldn't tell what was real anymore?

The men took a step backward when they finished restraining her. Her wrists, ankles, hips, and chest were all secured in place by bulky leather straps.

"What's happening?" Emma asked, her words still slurring from the tranquilizer. The mask became foggy as she spoke

"Ah, Kelly. I see you're awake," colonel Schaffer spoke up, finally walking into Emma's sight. "As you know, your hometown has been infected by a deadly musical virus. If we want to find a cure, we will have to monitor the differences between humans and the ones infected by this virus."

"And you're saying?"

"What I'm saying is that PEIP is a secret branch of the military, and we can't just ask for existing data without exposing our work. We need a text subject."

"No! Fuck that! There has to be a law against this or something!"

The colonel laughed, starting to close straps below and above her knee. "This is the only way for humanity to survive. We'll start with the basics; a few different DNA tests to see if we can detect any anomalies in the DNA we gathered from our infected subject. After that, we unfortunately have to do some more complicated tests. We're going to gather some bone from the both of you." Emma's eyes widened. "The easiest way to do that without having to amputate a limb would be to remove your kneecap. We'll monitor your brain activity while we do this. Our theory is that the infected can't feel pain, so we're taking the opportunity to test that. Afterward, we'll closely monitor the healing process of both of you."

"What, no! You can't do this!"

"We can."

"You're not even going to put me under?!"

"Like I said, we have to monitor how much pain you're in."

Emma tugged at the restraints as she heard the colonel walk towards the door. She didn't think she'd want the answer to her next question, but she had to know. "Who's the infected test subject?"

"I think you know." The colonel winked at her, and left the room before she could say anything else.

"Hello, Kelly," one of the doctors said. "We're just going to attach a few electrodes to your scalp and then we'll start the procedure. I have to ask you to stay as still and relaxed as possible, okay?"

"Fuck you!" Emma shouted, flinching as the man touched her head.

He took a step back when he finished, grabbing some tweezers. "We'll take some hair, skin, and blood samples before we start," he said, pulling a hair from her head as he talked. Emma winced at the feeling. She pulled her hand away as far as the restraints allowed when he started scraping some skin off the back of her hand, but he grabbed it and continued as Emma struggled in a desperate attempt to free herself.

When the man approached with a syringe, Emma started to scream. She tugged at the restraints as he came closer. "Get away from me!"

The doctor smiled. "This won't be as bad as what we're doing next, just try to relax."

His voice was soothing, but his words made her tense up. They were actually going to take her kneecap, weren't they? She watched as the man took her blood, but she didn't fight.

Another doctor walked towards her and attached a heart monitor to Emma's finger. "Keep it on," she said. "Don't try to take it off."

"Here's what's going to happen," the first doctor spoke. "We'll make an incision next to your knee and then we'll carefully stitch it back up. Try to stay calm."

Emma laid her head down, closing her eyes as she felt gloved hands touch her leg. She clenched her fist as she felt the scalpel cut through the skin. She gasped at the feeling of the cold air on the wrong side of her skin as the flesh was peeled back. A drilling sound started and within seconds she could feel the vibrations through her entire leg. Her head was the only body part she could move, so it rolled from side to side as the bone was slowly removed. The oxygen mask shifted and she could feel someone putting in back in place, holding her head tightly sho she couldn't move.

She could hear someone talking, but barely registered it over the pain of string being pulled through her flesh. Ragged breathing turned into hyperventilating, and all she wanted was to go home. She didn't even realize they were done until she felt the electrodes and heart monitor being removed.

There was a needle, and her breathing slowly evened out as the pain faded away.

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