To Show You The Horror Of Staying Alive

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Sorry for the notification, no new content today just a story reworked to be a oneshot because I'm cleaning up my page :)

This fic is from April 2020 so it's fun to see how different my writing style is now lmao

-Gunshot wounds


Paul and the other aliens dragged Emma down the halls. Emma screamed and kicked until her throat hurt, and her left leg dragged behind her, aching from the pressure she had put on it when trying to run away from the man she thought she could trust. "Paul, please! Don't do this!"

Paul leaned forward. "Emma, it's okay," he whispered in her ear. "Just play along."

In sync, all the aliens let her go. She stumbled into Paul's arms. Paul protectively put his arms around her, shielding her from the danger.

"I think Paul is trying to trick us," Ted spoke up.

"That's not something a true member of the Hive does," Nora said.

"It's inevitable?" Paul sang hesitantly.

"Liar," Bill said, clearly not convinced. "The Hive doesn't like liars."

Some of the infected came closer to them. Paul pulled Emma closer to his chest. Emma could hear the footsteps slowly come closer. The aliens were everywhere. There was no way they could run, especially with her fucked up leg.

Someone grabbed Emma's collar and pulled her back, separating her from Paul. Paul tried to grab her wrists and keep her with him, but Ted knocked him in the head with something Emma couldn't identify. It didn't look hard enough to concuss him, but he had to blink a few times before he started fighting again, and Emma was already out of reach.

The nurse led the way as some aliens dragged Emma and Paul farther down the halls. Emma looked into some rooms; all the beds were empty, and most of them had either red or blue stains on them. She wanted to run. Run and never come back. Too bad she couldn't, even if it wasn't for the four aliens holding her.

But she was Emma Perkins. And Emma Perkins would never give up without a fight.

She pulled one of her arms back, surprising the aliens who were holding her. They let her go, and Emma did a few steps, but her leg gave out underneath her. She cursed under her breath.

"Emma!" Paul screamed, trying to get to her, but he got stopped by Ted, who pulled him back by his hair.

Nora and someone else grabbed Emma's arms and dragged her away. "No! Stop!" she screamed.

They led them to the basement of the hospital. Emma didn't even know the hospital had a basement. Those bastards were lucky to have nurses and doctors on their side.

A nurse unlocked a door and went inside. Nora and someone else were holding Emma, while Bill and Ted were holding Paul. About forty other aliens were all standing in the hall. If professor Hidgens had been right, they shared one brain. That would mean that everyone knew what would happen to Paul and Emma. Everyone, except them.

The nurse came back, carrying a few boxes. Emma couldn't see what was in there, but she didn't know if she wanted to. "Let's go." the nurse said, leading the group out of the hospital.

After a few minutes of walking, a sharp pain shot down Emma's leg. It gave out underneath her, and apparently, the aliens thought it was an attempt to escape, because they grabbed her by her arms and legs and started carrying her. Emma screamed when Nora touched the bandage around her left leg, but they didn't let her go.

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