This Is The Life That I Chose

80 2 17

Not the greatest story to celebrate 100 oneshots with, but writer's block is kicking my ass lmao



Emma closed her eyes as incredible pain shot up her leg. Not aware of much more than the blinding pain or the metallic taste in her mouth, she stared at her leg. Wincing as she felt something make its way up her throat, she coughed out the blood, not caring that it stained her blouse.

She had no clue how much time had passed since Paul left, but it felt like ages. She felt lightheaded and nauseous, and it was getting hard to keep her eyes open. Closing her eyes again, she lay her head down, and waited for the pain to fade away.

*** *** ***

The first thing she did when she woke up was scream as someone ripped the metal from her flesh.

"Emma!" Paul exclaimed, cupping her cheek with a bloody hand. "Shhh... it's alright."

"Paul," Emma wheezed, taking in her surroundings. They were inside, in what she assumed was Paul's house. "You made it?"

Paul chuckled, turning back to her leg. "Yeah, I did."

"You're alive!"

He laughed, not looking up as he inspected her leg. "That should do the job," he said, tying his tie tightly around her thigh in an attempt to slow down the bleeding.

"Did you blow up the meteor?" Emma asked.

"Yeah... it didn't work."

"Oh... how do you know?"

Paul smiled at her, his eyes glowing an unnatural shade of blue. "Because I'm still alive."

"P-Paul-" Emma stammered, trying to get away from him despite the aching of her leg.

"Come on, Emma, it's fun!"

"You don't want this!"

"But what if I told you I made it, and this is the life that I chose?" he sang softly, as if singing a lullaby to a child after they woke up from a nightmare.

"You're not Paul!" She tried to stand, but her leg couldn't support her weight, and she tumbled on the floor, her vision going black as blinding pain took over every inch of her body. Still, she crawled toward the doorway, knowing it was useless.

"It's inevitable for us..."

He towered over her, and grabbed her shoulder to turn her onto her back. SHe screamed as he sat on top of her.

"I found my calling, you can do the same now."

He reached for her neck, and despite her efforts to stop him, his hand closed around her throat and he squeezed.

She hit his arm, but his grip on her neck didn't falter. Black spots swarmed her vision as she desperately tried to suck in a deep breath, but failed.

"Shhh, Emma... just close your eyes and let it out, let it out, let it out..."

Tears streamed down her cheeks as the pressure in her lungs burned. Through her fading vision, all she could make out was Paul's glowing eyes, and the lamp behind her.

In one last, desperate attempt to save herself, her legs kicked out. She would've cried out in pain if she could, but all she could do was squeeze her eyes shut and wait for it to be over.

And it would be over soon.

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