Just Open Your Food Bin, Girl

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WARNING: This story contains MAJOR Perky's Buds spoilers. Do not read if you haven't seen Perky's Buds yet.

My germaphobic ass got pretty triggered the first time I watched Perky's Buds so of course I'm writing about it and I just love Paulkins so I had to include Paul

-Animal death
-Panic attack

-Basically the same that happened in that one scene but rewritten to include Paul... so yeah


"We're displeased with your progress today. You'll do better tomorrow," Ezekiel said, hopping off the rocking chair and looking up at the two humans towering over him. "You seem fatigued."

"We've been working nonstop all day, we're tired." Emma looked like she was ready to snap his neck, and Ezekiel took a step back.

"And hungry," Ziggs complained.

Emma smiled, a plan forming. "Yeah. We can't do anything if we're hungry. And wouldn't you know it? There's not a scrap of food in the house."

Ziggs whispered something about chips in her ear, but she cut them off. "We need to go into town to get something to eat. So we can work. No foodie, no workie."

Ezekiel huffed. "This is unacceptable."

"Well, it's gonna have to be acceptable," Emma spat back at the bird. Hell, if there weren't so many of them, she would've killed Ezekiel right then.

"If you leave, you will be tempted not to return. You may seek help. You might bring other humans. With guns. Humans who can aim." Despite him not having a human mouth, Emma was pretty sure he was smiling. "You will never go into town again."


Emma was cut off by the roaring of an engine.


Paul had been on a business trip, and she'd almost forgotten he was coming home today. This was their chance.

"Paul!" she called out, running for the car. "Paul!" She was desperate, almost tripping over her own feet as she tried to get to the car as fast as humanly possible.

Yanking open the car door. "Paul, drive! He's crazy!"

"Emma? What are you talking about? Who's crazy?"

"Just drive!"

But the flock of birds had already surrounded the car, and Paul put the car in park, not noticing the absurd amount of birds on the farm. "What's going on, Em?"

Emma tried to explain, but nothing more than a frustrated groan accompanied the tears that fell down her face as she spotted Ezekiel coming toward them.

"The birds, Paul! They're high! We have to go!" She lurched for the keys, but Paul held them out of her reach.

"Emma, how high are you?"

"I'm not crazy, Paul!"

Outside the car, Ezekiel ordered his flock to get into the car, and it wasn't long before a stone came busting through the window. Ezekiel hopped inside, careful not to stand on the glass.

"Emma, you didn't tell me we were getting company. I don't think we've met, sir. I am Ezekiel. I speak for this flock."

"Emma, did that bird just talk?"

"Not talk," Ezekiel said. "We speak mind to mind. And now, get out of this vehicle. It'd be a shame if you... left."

A bird flew through the broken window, snatched the keys from Paul's hand, and flew away, into the Witchwood.

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