You're What I Know About Love

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I once said I hated songfics but here we are

Something short but I've had an awful day and I needed something happy-ish I guess

-Death (but infected so kind of still alive idk)

Song is Fristoff Lullaby from Frozen (the musical not the movie lol)


Paul ran back from the theater, the deafening orchestra in his head blocking out the continuous gunshots and screams the echoes through the tiny town of Hatchetfield.

He could see the smoke of the crashed helicopter in the distance, and he ran faster and faster, a speed Usain Bolt would be jealous of.

"Emma!" he screamed, climbing over the wreckage, stumbling as he tried to maintain his speed.

He fell to his knees next to her fragile body. She was laying in a puddle concerningly big for someone her size, or any size.

And she wasn't moving.

He gently shook her, and she groaned weakly at the movements, but her eyes didn't open. He grabbed her shoulders, forcing her up, but she hung limp in his grip, her head falling back.

The infected didn't feel emotions like humans did, but right now, Paul felt a glowing blue tear roll down his cheek, seeing it fall down and quickly mixing in with the puddle of blood, the crimson turning purple as more tears streamed down at the sight of the woman's chest not rising and falling anymore.

He cradled her broken body, pressing a kiss to her forehead, seemingly the only skin that wasn't covered in blood. It left a slight blue stain, and that was when he realized it.

He could save her.

Paul bent down, carefully prying her tense jaw open. He kissed her, long and passionate, not thinking about the fact that he was making out with a corpse.

He eventually pulled back, smiling in relief when he felt a pulse and a small puff of air on his nose.

He just sat there, stroking her hair while he waited for her to wake up. And he sang.

"What is this hollow kind of helplessness I'm feeling? This type of terror is new." He chuckled, looking down at her closed eyes.

"And the fact that I can hardly breathe is now revealing... how much I've changed 'cause of you." The blood pouring from her leg slowly turned from red, to purple, to blue, before the wound closed itself, the pipe still stuck in her thigh.

"You light the world for me, you live life fearlessly, braver than the bravest of us do." The sun was rising already. Had it been that long since the crash?

"You trust, you hope, you dare. You choose to feel and care... I thought that I was strong 'til I bumped into you."

Everyone and everything around them moved, but for Paul, it felt like no time was passing as he used his sleeve to clean at least some blood off her beautiful face.

"What do I know about love?" He chuckled again. He had hooked up with a girl once, and he did not like it. But here he was, yearning for some girl he barely knew. "What do I know about love?"

Looking down at her mangled body, he felt a tear roll down his cheek. "Everything I thought I did, you've gone and changed it, kid."

Emma's eyes slowly opened, and she blinked at him, her once brown eyes turned blue to match his own. She sat up and pulled the pipe from her leg, experiencing no pain as a few drops of blue trickled down her leg, before the wound closed itself, no scar or mark left behind.

Paul blushed when she looked at him, his cheeks turning an adorable shade of blue. He leaned in to kiss her.

"You're what I know about love..."

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