.♦. First Day .♦.

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🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

"Ugh!! What the hell am I supposed to wear?!" I huffed as I searched through the few pathetic clothes that I have.

Today is my first day at work at the Kings Industry and I'm freaking out. I'm trying to look good and professional but my ripped jeans won't do the job. Finally after having the umpteenth breakdown I found an old black pencil skirt, that belonged to my mother, in the back of my closet.

I paired it with a plane white shirt and black heels. Really basic but I have nothing to wear, I'll have to go shopping as soon as possible.

I applied some concealer and mascara then grabbed my purse and stuffed my phone ,keys and some money before rushing downstairs

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I applied some concealer and mascara then grabbed my purse and stuffed my phone ,keys and some money before rushing downstairs. Luck must've been on my side today since my father left earlier this morning.

Twenty minutes later I was standing in front of this huge and beautiful building. I entered it and was met by an amazing smell, it kinda smells better than my own house, but then again what do I expect from a house with my filthy father in it. I headed to the front desk where a girl who seemed to be in her early twenties stood, looking so elegant and pretty it made me feel really insecure about what I'm wearing.

"Hello, welcome to the Kings Industry, how can I help you?" She asked with a welcoming tone.

"Um hey, it's my first day here and I was wondering where I can find Ma- I mean Mr. King's office?" What the hell Eliza! Really Mr. King?

Shut up inner me!

"What's your name dear?" She asked.

"Uh Eliza Stone" I replied.

"Right! Mr. Mason is expecting you at eight, is that right?" She asked as she typed God knows what on her computer.

"Yes" I answered.

"Well go to the gold elevator right there " She said pointing towards the elevator where two bodyguards stood " I'll inform the bodyguards to take you up to the last floor and Mr.Mason's secretary will meet you up there" She explained.

"Thank you" I thanked her then made my way towards the elevator.

One of the bodyguards let me inside the elevator and pressed the top floor for me .Wow !why the hell is all of this necessary?

Finally when I reached the last floor the doors opened and I was immediately face to face with a woman in her mid thirties i guess, she was wearing eyeglasses and a tight black dress, not too slutty rather elegant and professional.

"Mrs.Stone?" The lady asked.

"Yes this is me" I replied.

"I'm Darcy, Mr. Mason's secretary, will you please follow me " She said to which I nodded.

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