.♦. Confrontation .♦.

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« I don't wanna die, but I don't wanna live like this »

🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

I stared at my bruised body through the mirror's reflection . I traced my cut right next to my eyebrow as I sighed in distress.

How much more can you take until you break down?

Getting ready to leave for work , hiding all my bruises and cuts using make-up. But make-up won't be able to hide my broken soul.

My monster of a dad, is still determined to send me back to find the information he needs, saying that I made a mistake and took a picture of the weirdo shipment, but I can swear it was his shipment that I saw.

When I stepped foot into the building , two bodyguards approached me saying that they had orders to escort me right to Mason's office.

I nodded hesitantly as confusion clouded my features. What is going on?

One of the two bodyguards knocked at the door before opening the door for me and closing it right behind me. Mason was set ahead of me ,on his chair behind his desk, with his elbows resting on the table as his hands intertwined in front of him.

He stared at me with a cold look I've never seen before. A look of anger , betrayal and ... hate. I gulped down as I saw the daggers his eyes were sending my way , my mind running a thousand mile trying to figure out what's happening.

"M-mason?" I said hesitantly.

"It's Mr.King for you" He said with venom in his voice.

"What's g-going on?" I asked, taking a step back .

Mason then held a file and threw it next to where I was standing. I looked between him and the file in confusion before kneeling down to pick it up.

As I stood up , I looked wearily at Mason, then opened it. As soon as I figured what file this is , my hands let go of it like it burned my skin, as the file's papers scattered around.

"M-Mason I-... I can explai-'' I said but was cut off with a loud bang.

Mason hit the table with his fist before standing up ,his chair tumbling to the ground " Explain!" He said raising his voice" Explain what? How have you betrayed my trust ? How you fooled me to take pity on you just for you to spy on me with help of your fucking dad and boyfriend?!!"

"No Mason please listen-" I said, tears running down my cheeks by now.

"I don't want to fucking listen to a word you say " He said with a murderous look on his face " I don't listen to liars "

"Please listen to me I was forced-" again I was cut off as Mason raised his index finger shutting me.

"I said shut up!" He ordered, then added " You should be grateful you're not dead , take your lying ass out before I lose my temper even more, and if i see you or your dad anywhere near imma end you both"

I couldn't stop my tears, my throat was burning and my ears were ringing " Mason I swear to God I didn't trick you not until my dad forced me to get him that information. Please believe me Mason I-"

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