.♦. Coincidence .♦.

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🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

The moment I stepped my foot inside the house I was met with silence. I relaxed knowing that my piss of shit of a father is not home yet, which means I won't be getting in trouble for being late.

I breathed a sigh of relief and made my way upstairs, but as soon as I reached the stairs the living room, which is located just beside the stairs, lit up as the lights were turned on.

"Where the fuck where you bitch?" My father spat out.

"I was at work" I said fear ignited in my body, I just can't take another round of beating, my legs are already hurting so much.

"You lying slut!" He gritted out as his palm made contact with my cheeks " Your shift finished one hour ago and it only takes fifteen minutes to be here".

"I.. Some guys were f-following me and I had to take the long way to get back home" I stuttered, trying my best to keep my tears at bay.

"Stop fucking lying you hoe, who where you with bitch" He shouted then punched my jaw making me stumble and fall to the ground.

"I swear to you I wasn't lying" I cried out holding my now bruised jaw, but failing to hold my tears back.

He kicked my stomach repetitively then my chest and my thighs until I couldn't breathe or move properly anymore, I'm sure my ribs are broken by now "You're just like your fucking mother, that slut best be suffering in her grave".

His words hurt more than the actual beating I received, my mother was the best mother anyone can have, and here he is cursing her while he's the reason she's dead.

I wanted to shout at him, to tell him not to mention her name on his filthy tongue, to tell him how he's the one that should be dead and suffering, not her. But I couldn't, I couldn't move not a single muscle, I couldn't gather the power to defend my lovely mother.

One last kick to my abdomen and he was out of my sight. How will I go to my room now , how will I be able to go to work like this. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore as darkness enveloped me.


I opened my eyes as sunlight crept through the window and shone on my face. I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall to see that I only have one hour to get ready before ny shift starts and thirty minutes before my fucking father wakes up .

I made a move to get up and every muscle in my body protested. I bit my lips to prevent any voice from leaving my mouth so that I don't wake up that asshole. Finally after ten minutes of struggling I finally made it to my room, I got rid of my clothes after deciding what to wear for today , which was a plain white shirt with black jeans, after all I only have a few of clothes to choose from ,then headed into the shower, thankfully I had my own bathroom.

I let the warm water down my body as I thinked about how my life has turned to living hell since my mother's death. My muscles relaxed under the soothing water, the bruises and cuts were stinging as the water washed over them but I was too numb to care. My ankle got better but it still kinda hurts and I still can't walk on it properly.

You might be wondering oh you're twenty three why don't you run away from your father and start a new life away from here. Well trust me when I tell you that I've tried multiple times but he always manages to catch me since he's in a gang. Everytime I run away his men find me and drag me back with my hair to him and then they'll beat me out until I'm unconscious .

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