.♦. Whipped .♦.

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🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

I straightened my back and fixed my clothes before entering the meeting room. Today was the day the important meeting ,that Mason mentioned yesterday , is held.

I dressed formally but elegantly as Mason ordered me too.(picture below). Mason was already inside with the others as I went to print some files, I knocked on the door then entered.

 Mason was already inside with the others as I went to print some files, I knocked on the door then entered

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As I did so all the heads turned to me which made me even more anxious. I hate attention.
I nodded at them as Mason motioned to me to sit on the chair next to him.

"This is miss Eliza Stone, she'll be joining us through this meeting " Mason spoke before directing his head to me " Eliza this is Mr.Connor Gold, he runs a very well known asian security company".

Mr. Connor is a handsome young man, he's in his early twenties and he is surely dressed as one. He was wearing a very casual clothes that showed his arms, both have random tattoos scattered on them. He has black hair and can we talk about his flawless skin! Man I should ask him about his skin routine.(picture below). (A/N): Where are my bts fans at?)

" Nice to meet you " I said as I shook his hand

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" Nice to meet you " I said as I shook his hand.

"The feeling is mutual Miss Eliza" He said offering me his billion dollar smile.

Throughout the whole meeting Connor would keep glancing at me and of course Mason didn't miss that as I noticed his jaw clenching every time he noticed Connor glancing at me.

The meeting was finally over for my relief as we exited the room Connor spoke " Eliza, would you like to join me for lunch?" .

I froze. I barely know him and he wants me to have lunch with him, what should I say " Uh I -i.."

I glanced at Mason as he came to my rescue " She can't, we have some work to finish today, she'll be busy throughout the day if not the week" .

Connor smirked then nodded "Sure. Well then I'll see at the ball next week.later" He winked at me before leaving.

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