.♦️. Mask Off .♦️.

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🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

I can't believe it . Even when he's dead his problems are still following me.


I hope you're rotting in hell.

"Eliza" Luke called knocking on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I said before he greeted me with a soft smile.

"What's up, Luke?" I asked.

"You need to go down now so we can give you an idea about the plan, though you're not gonna be involved" He explained .

"Oh okay , let's go downstairs then" I said to whicj he nodded.

The living room was packed.

Men were spreaded all around, talking, discussing, planning...

"Tell everyone to get ready and inside the cara we're leaving in ten minutes" Brent ordered.

There was now only me, Morty, Eren and all the brothers except Elijah.

"Where's Elijah and sophia?" I asked , looking around the room.

"We didn't tell Sophia about what's happening because Ace said she had a fever and was puking all night yesterday." Cole explained.

"Is she okay?" I asked with concern , why didn't I know about this?

"She's fine, don't worry , we figured it's better not to tell her now or else she'll stress more and get worse" Luke explained.

"Elijah and Audrey know and they'll be staying with her at Ace house for the meantime " Brent added.

"Okay , so what's the plan?" I asked.

"Well no need to bore you with all the details, we'll get inside and eliminate the enemies, you will stay outside with Will , Alex, and Eren. When everything is clear and it's safe we'll let you know" Jason explained.

"Any questions?" Brent asked, looking around the room.

Everyone shook their heads or muttered a no.

"Okay , let's kick some ass" Alex said , swiping his index and middle fingers under both his eyes so that now he has two black lines under.

"Why didn't you tell me you're gonna go all spy mode like that" Will complained.

"Fucking kids shut the fuck up or I'm leaving both of here" Jason warned.

"Daddy chill" Alex said, imitating that meme.

Next thing I know a vase is flying in front of me hitting the wall behind Alex.

"Watch it" Jason growled "Now move your asses to the cars". He added before exiting through the door.

Never have I ever seen Jason this angry and serious. It's honestly scary .

"Who pissed in his breakfast?" Alex joked again.

"Shut up" Cole, Brent and Luke said at the time, then left behind Jason.

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