.♦. And So It Begins .♦.

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👑 Mason's POV 👑

I stand in front of my office window that overlooks the city as I think of everything that has happened in the past five years.

I was never this strict and mysterious. I was ,like any other guy in his early twenties, I used to party and hang out with my friends. I had big dreams for my future, I wanted to become a pilot and travel around the world and find my other half , but all my dreams crashed down with my parents death.

Me and my seven brothers knew that my father was in the mafia and of course my mother knew too, the only one who didn't know was my sister Sophia the youngest member in our family.

Although I knew that I'll have to take over in the future but I didn't know that it'll be this early. Not only did I have to give up my dreams to rule the whole mafia now, but I had to take care of all of my siblings and make sure they're safe.

I couldn't do anything to change what happened, the only thing I can do now is take care of my siblings firstly and the mafia secondly.

I grabbed my jacket and put it on before exiting my office and heading home. As I reached my SUV I decided to go have some alone time so I ordered my men to bring me my black matte Firarri .(picture below, I love this car).

"Sir do you want me to drive" Morty, my most trusted bodyguard asked

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"Sir do you want me to drive" Morty, my most trusted bodyguard asked.

"No it's okay I want to stay alone for a while" I replied.

"But sir, wouldn't it be dangerous to stay out without protection?" He asked ,worry laced in his words.

"I'll be okay Morty, no one would dare to cross me" I said to which he nodded before closing the car door for me.

I was driving for almost half an hour now, I looked down at my phone as its ringtone broke through the silence. The screen lit up with Brent's name, I brought the phone up to answer it but suddenly a black figure appeared in front of my car causing me to slam my brakes.

The road was deserted, not even a single car or person was around. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car to see a girl on the ground clutching her ankle.

I approached her and kneeled down next to her " Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Am I okay? If you didn't drive like a reckless idiot I would've been good but no you almost ran me over and gave me a fractured ankle" She huffed.

What the fuck is wrong with this girl? She's already getting on my nerves." Or perhaps you should've looked around you before jumping on the road in front of my car like the stupid girl you are. I wasn't even going fast if I was you'd be dead now" I said with a blank face.

"Excuse me who's the stupid?" She asked offended.

"Who else is here? Of course you and you just proved my point" She opened her mouth to answer but I cut her off by adding " Plus you called me an idiot first".

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