.♦. Dinner .♦.

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🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

I was walking around the mall looking through the store's windows as a baby blue sundress grabbed my attention.  I went inside , only to stop in tracks when I heard someone calling me.

I turned around to see Mason's little sister, Sophia. " you're Mason's assistant ,right?" She asked ro which I nodded my head.

She had a guy with her , but from how he's holding her protectively I can tell it's her boyfriend. "Yeah and you're Mason's sister ?" I asked though I already knew the answer.

"Yes , so I know this is kinda random but I'll be glad to have you over for dinner today" she said.

Indeed that was hella random. " I don't know, I don't wanna bother y'all-" she cut me off by saying " nonsense it'll be great to have another girl around "

"She won't take a no as an answer" her boyfriend said to which she smiled and nodded with agreement.

"Um ok I guess " I said hesitantly.

"Great, we can head there now if you don't have anything to do" she said .

"S-sure" I replied .

She clapped her hands in excitement before adding " Oh this is my boyfriend Ace by the way" .

Her boyfriend, Ace, nodded at me and I replied with a smile and 'nice to meet you'.


The whole drive to their home was actually comfortable. Sophia is a really nice girl and it's nice having her around. We listened to music, as in me and Ace , as she sang along to the song trying to annoy Ace who seemed far from annoyed , rather amused.

She told me that Ace has a thing for bathrooms to which Ace grunted, making her laugh. "Why do you tell that to everyone? " he asked with a sigh.

"Because I love annoying you " she replied.

"Mhm I love you too " he said, placing a kiss on her hand .

They're so cute ! Cuteness overload.

We reached the house, more like a mansion, and I suddenly got nervous. "Are you sure it's okay I mean-" she , again, cut me off by dragging me to the front door "it's fine no one will mind".

A maid opened the door as Sophia guided me to the living room. Some of her brothers were sitting there as she cleared her throat , grabbing their attention, except for Alex, who I had the honor to meet as he once came to the office and stared flirting with me ,continued his game.

"Oh look, the bitch is here " Alex said.

"Shut up idiot " she retorted.

"I still can't get over the fact that you used to call her princess and now you're calling her a bitch" Ace said as he took a seat.

"That was before she got a boyfriend, everyone keeps calling her angel and princess and then you came with even worse nicknames so I had to give her a reality check " Alex reasoned .(A/N : lol everyone was like her brothers call her princess while my brother call me this and that so here you go ;) )

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