.♦️. Date .♦️.

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🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

I watched as Brent and Luke left in the elevator after I helped them with their dates. These brothers are really crazy , but entertaining.

"Eliza" Mason called my name as I turned around to face him.

"Yes?" I asked to which he told me to get my stuff and that we're leaving early.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but still did what he asked. I'm not going to complain about an early leave.

Soon enough we reached the king's mansion, but before I could open the door Mason's next words stopped me dead in my place with my hand still on the handle.

"What?" I asked , shock written all over my face.

"You heard me" He said with a faint  smirk and with that he exited the car as I sat there gaping at his back.

I did actually hear him real clear, but there's no way Mason just asked me on a date.

'Be ready by seven, Brent and Luke won't be the only ones going on a date' His words playing on repeat as my brain tries to comprehend what the hell just happened.

Is he setting me on a blind date? What am I thinking? He clearly wants to take me on a date .

Oh dear god help me .


I looked around my room that looked like a hurricane just took a place then looked at myself in the mirror. Well it was worth it , I look good enough.

I wore a knee long black dress that hugged my chest and flowed down from my hips to my knees (Picture below).

Is this too much ? Is this suitable for a first date? Is it suitable for where we're going? Where are we going? I have no idea

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Is this too much ? Is this suitable for a first date? Is it suitable for where we're going? Where are we going? I have no idea.

Oh my god I'm so nervous and excited at the same time.  Okay Eliza calm down , it's just a date with Mason.

Oh my god I'm going on a date with Mason !

I took a long deep breath and nodded to myself, gaining some courage before exiting my room and heading downstairs .

Mason was on the end of the stairs with his back towards me talking on his phone in Italian .

" Voglio che sia tutto perfetto, altrimenti ti taglio la testa, capisci? " He said before hanging up and turning around only to stop still in his tracks. (I want everything to be perfect or else I'll have your head cut, do you understand?).

I went down the last few steps , stopping in front of him . My cheeks were tinted with a blush as I smiled shyly at him .

I couldn't handle his stare and diverted my eyes downwards away from his heated gaze that drove me beyond nervousness.

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