.♦. Betraying Him .♦.

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🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

"Eliza!" I was awoken by my dad shouting my name.

I quickly scrambled out of my bed and rushed to him not wanting him to get angry with me.

" Yes dad?" I asked as I entered the living room , only to be surprised by the face of my ex Rider.

"God you look hideous! How did you even date her?" My father said while Rider chuckled at his oh so funny comment.

I stayed silent because Iknow if I answer him I'll only get beattings in return.

"Now bitch listen to me closely. Your boss blocked one of our shipments and had them locked in one of his warehouses, so you have to find me in which warehouse they are " He said.

"Why would Mason block your shipments? What does he have to do with your gang?" I asked ,confused.

"How can a slut like you be so naive?" Rider asked with a smirk.

"I-I can't do that-" I was cut off by my dad storming towards me and slapping me so hard that my head turned to the other side.

"I wasn't asking bitch! You do as I say ,you understand ?" I nodded my head as I tried so hard to keep my tears at bay.

'What the fuck am I supposed to do know?'

After the 'beautiful' talk I had with my dad in the morning I went to my room and got ready to head to work. My cheek was a bit red but I managed to cover it with some concealer .

I took a deep breath as I prepared Mason's coffee. I knocked on the door and entered his office only to find it empty.Before I can leave the office the talk I had with my father in the morning popped into my mind. Should I search for the file ? It's a perfect opportunity.

'No Eliza you can't do that to Mason! You can't break his trust.' My inner self scolded me.

But if I don't my father will surely beat me up.

'When didn't he? You just have to suck it up and endure his beatings, it's better than betraying Mason's trust.

I'll just look around! And I did as guilt filled my heart. I searched through the file's cabinet as fast as I could but all I could find was some unimportant things. Why would he leave such important files here dumbo?

I moved towards his drawers looking through them but to no avail. I couldn't find anything useful. I turned toward the other part of the desk but at the exact moment the door swung open making my heart stop for a second.

It was Mason.

He had a frown on his face as he entered. His eyebrows drew together as he looked furious .

But luckily he was facing a file he was holding in his hand. I straightened up as quickly as possible before his eyes locked with mine " Eliza
?" He said .

"G-good morning Mason, I brought your coffee " I stuttered ,gesturing to the cup of coffee.

"When did you come here?" He asked .

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