.♦. Back To Work .♦.

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🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

I rushed around the room in hurry trying to find my heels as Mason waited for me patiently downstairs.

Yesterday I went with Mason to my "home " and got all my belongings . I was glad Mason was with me otherwise I don't think I would've had the courage to get inside.

"Eliza , I'm waiting for you in the car" I heard Mason calling .

I checked myself one last time in the mirror and made sure I had everything before rushing downstairs.(picture below).

"Took you long enough " Mason commented as I entered the backseat, next to him, a bodyguard driving us

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"Took you long enough " Mason commented as I entered the backseat, next to him, a bodyguard driving us.

"Sorry " I said as I tried to calm my breathing.

"It's okay , don't make a habit out of it though " He replied to which I nodded.

"This is your Ipad , Laptop and phone" He said as he placed them on my lap. Each single one of them looked brand new and expensive as hell.

"These are necessary for your job" He added as if reading my mind.

"Okay" I said , what a lame response.

"The Ipad already has this week's meetings and schedules so you don't need to worry about this stuff for now" he said before adding " I'm sure the time u spent with my ex-assistant was enough for you to learn the job's requirements and what to do " .

"Yes, She taught me all these stuff and how to do them" I confirmed to which he nodded.

"Now what is our schedule for the day?" He asked as I fumbled with my Ipad.


Soon enough we were at the building , the bodyguard opened the door for us as we walked in , it felt like a mafia scene or something. People bowed their heads in respect .

The scene was ruined when someone accidentally pushed me which caused me to stumble since I was wearing these cursed heels . It didn't end here. I fell forwards slamming into Mason's back.

Can the floor swallow me right here and now?!

I almost made out with the ground if it wasn't for Mason's hot fast reflexes ... wait what?

Seriously Eliza what the hell?!

Mason wrapped his arms around my hips before helping me straighten up. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded in a daze .

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