.♦. Escaping .♦.

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🌹Eliza's POV 🌹

His grip around my neck tightened.

He was choking me and I was running out of breath.

"You love your mom so much huh? I'll send you back to her ,bitch" my father hateful voice sounded far in my ears.

I tried to talk or get a breath in. My lungs felt like they're about to blast and my ears started ringing. I scratched and clawed on the hand around my neck but to no avail.

I was going to die.

I woke up with a start . My heart beat going frantic as I so desperately breathed as if I have actually been chocked. My body was sweaty and some hair was sticking to my face , although I was sleeping on the uncomfortable and cold floor.

Relax Eliza, there's no one here . It's just a dream.

I kept reminding myself over and over again until I finally calmed down .

I laid my back on the wall behind me and hugged my knees close to my chest as I laid my head on them. I closed my eyes for a second , but quickly opened them again when I remembered what my dad was planning.

I need to get out of here and fast.

It was raining cats and dogs outside as I looked around for an exit . Think Eliza , think!

The only exit other then the basement door was a small window (A/N: smaller than Jason's patience. Jk jk lol) I could fit through ,but it has some wired rusty iron blocking the way.

I opened the window and pulled on the wires and luckily it was rusty and a bit disconnected from one of the corners . I can try to take it off and because of the rain the noise won't be heard.

I stood on some old box and pulled on the wires over and over again until I had some cuts on my hands. I was about to give up , but with a final tug the wires came of as I tumbled back on the floor, hitting my head in the process.

Damn this hurts .

I clutched my head trying to regain my blurred sight as I stood up with blood running down my palms. I again stood on the box and lifted myself up the window.

My hips got stuck at some point and I had to cuss my fat ass a few times until I finally got through. I was finally outside and I ran for my life in the stormy weather.

I was crossing the street when suddenly a car light blinded my vision. My brain decided to freeze as I closed my eyes waiting for contact as the sound of screeching tires was heard almost deafening my ears , but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw a BMW M8 in front of me and who came out if it was Jason King himself.

"Jason?" My voice came out in a whisper under the heavy rain.

"Eliza? Why are you running in the middle of the streets like some crazy madwoman at this time and in this weather ?" He asked.

"I- i was.. You need to take me to Mason, it's important " I pleaded.

"Okay , ok calm down. Tell me what happened " He said with a calm voice .

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