Truth be Told

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Skylar POV

I had been in bed for the past couple of days, only getting up for necessities and some sunshine. Tino was finally released from the hospital and is like me, doing nothing. Austin won't let me do anything at all. It's always, "Skylar let me come with you" or "Sky I don't feel comfortable with that. Let me do it." I'm not helpless, just number one on this one assholes hit list. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it, hoping no one had heard. That's when Austin barged in and hurried over to me, laying down next to me moving hair from my face.
"You okay? I heard you scream and uhhhh." He said sheepishly. I had to admit, although being under house arrest was bad, Austin was such a cutie. I smiled and nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck so our foreheads were touching. "I'm fine silly. Just bored as fuck." He smirked and buried his face into my neck, biting softly and kissing it. "Well then let's do something. Inside though." I sighed in defeat as Austin looked up at me with a weird look. "What?" I shook my head. "All I so is spend the days inside. Lets go do something. Just you and me." Shooting him the puppy dog eyes hoping to win him over. "Aw honey. That's a sweet thought but you know about Gabriel and I don't want to risk losing you." He murmured to me. I rolled my eyes as he kissed me softly.
"We always can find was of doing stuff with each other." he said suggestively, still kissing and sucking on my neck as my fingers ran through his hair. "Oh? And how would you do that Mr. Carlile?" I asked him teasingly as he growled into my neck and bit down harder. "Let me show you." And just as he was about to attach his lips to mine, Phil ran through the door causing Austin to roll off the bed and onto the floor with a thud as I tried to cover up the hickey on my neck.
"Austin, he's on the phone." Was all Phil had to say before Austin jumped up and stormed off towards him. I tried to get up out of bed but Austin whipped around to face me. "No. Stay here Sky." He ordered me but I wasn't about to listen, instead I got up and walked past him out the door only to be picked back up and carried back to the room where Austin threw me on the bed. "I mean it Sky. I don't want you hurt. Stay here." He kissed me and then walked out the room with Phil. I heard the door lock from the outside and Austin telling Phil that no one gets in or out.

There was something fishy going on but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I sat on the bed and let my body fall back. I furrowed my eyebrows and scruntched my face, who was Austin Carlile. "There's no way he could be a hitman..." I mumbled and laughed to myself. I rubbed my eyes with my hands, trying to clear any thoughts of Austin killing people. I loved him....I couldn't be in love with a murderer. What if....what if my suspicion is true? I couldn't deny the facts, Austin could possibly be a murderer. 

Finally after 30mins, Austin walked in with a weary smile on his face. I smiled back too but still, I couldn't imagine him killing anyone. He was perfect. His smile, his laugh, the way he fangirls over Star Wars. I couldn't picture him killing anyone. "Something wrong Sky?" He asked me and I shook my head. He nodded and kissed me. "I'm so tired. Do you mind if I crashed?" He asked me and I smiled. "Of course!" He then curled up on the bed and was out like a light in no time. I looked out the window and saw Alan and Aaron exiting the cottage next to the main house. They've never taken me in there.

Quietly, I pushed open the window and crawled out of it, closing it slightly behind me. I made sure that Alan and Aaron were inside before I crept over to the tree and somehow managed to get down without breaking anything.
The cottage wasn't that far away, maybe like 20 feet so I just calmly walked over there. Once I got there, I tried to open the door, but it was locked and nothing I did would open it. I sighed in frustration until I saw an open window. Smiling to myself at my luck, I opened it even more before creeping inside. What I saw next shocked me.

Guns., guns, and more guns. Everywhere. I couldn't believe the massive amount of guns in this little place. "I knew it....I knew it..." I cried silently to myself as I just stared at everything.

Austin POV
The alarm in the main house went up, signalling that someone had broken into the cottage. I shot up out of bed and grabbed my gun from under my pillow before racing downstairs into the others. "Alan you come with me. You three make sure Skylar is safe." They nodded as Alan and I headed towards the cottage. Soon we had opened the door and were greeted by a horrifed Skylar.
"I knew it...." She whispered, fear in her eyes as we ran in with guns in hand. "Skylar I-I can explain..." I told her trying to come near her but she back away. "No! Don't fucking touch me you fucking demon!" She yelled at me. My heart had just shattered into a million pieces. "You kill people for a living!" She screamed at me, tears now coming down both our faces. "Not just anyone Skylar. Evil people!"
She looked at me with a blank expression and as I opened my mouth to speak, I felt two things run through my right shoulder, followed by a thud from Alan.

Skylar shrieked as I collapsed to the ground, blood rushing from my body and my vision was now starting to blur. "NO LET GO OF ME!" Was all I heard from Skylar before I watched her get hit and fall to the ground. Her limp body was picked up and thrown over someones shoulder as they walked out, dropping something next to me. The doors of a car closed and I heard tires screech then, everything went black.

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