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Alan POV

All the way back to Austin's, there was this eerie feeling draped over the car. Everyone was silent. Even Tino, who normally makes stupid but funny comments, was silent. I just felt like something bad was going to happen. We stopped at an intersection just a block from Austin's house when out of the corner of my eye I saw a black car from across the intersection roll down their window and a gun popped out. "FUCKING GET DOWN!" I shouted as Phil, Tino and I dove from cover. A hail of bullets came through the windows in the car and glass shattered over us all. I silently prayed that we'd all make it out alive even though I hardly ever prayed. 'Fucking hell! Just end already!' I thought to myself and with that. Everything stopped. In the distance we heard car tires screech and drive away. I, being the brave one, slowly brought my head up to see if the car was still there but it wasn't. Tino and Phil got up as well and we each grabbed out handguns before making our way out of the car to check it out.
There was nothing but shell cases that were scattered around the ground. Phil looked at me in shock as Tino knelt on the ground. I looked around just to see if the area was clear and it turns out it was. "Lets get to Austin's fast." Phil said and I nodded as the three of us made a break for the car before speeding off to Austin's.

Austin POV
I waited for the guys to get back while Skylar was getting into the shower. I really did want to join her but I was a bit more concerned about the guys then about getting it in with her in the shower. Suddenly I heard a car speed into the driveway and break fast causing them to screech. I ran down the stairs and flung open the front door to see Alan, Phil and Tino getting out of a bullet ridden car. I ran over to them all and hugged them. "What the fuck happened?" Alan looked to the guys before looking at me. "Gabriel shot at us." He mumbled before shuffling inside with Phil and Tino. I stared at the car and ran my fingers over the bullet holes before sighing and getting in to park it on the side of the house. 'Wouldn't want Sky to see this now would we?' I thought as I left the car and walked back inside. Alan sat of the counter drinking a monster while Tino sat with his head in his hands and Phil was slumped against the wall. "You guys o-" I began but Phil cut me off. "Austin we're fine." I blinked slowly before nodding. They were grown men and assassins, they can handle it.
I sighed and called them all into the living room and told them to sit. "I don't want us taking out anymore hits until Gabriel is dead. Understand?" I demanded and they nodded. "Austin, I'm tired can I go-" Alan began but i shook my head. "Use the guest room. I don't want you going home just yet." He looked at me weirdly then got up and headed to the guest room. "Now with tha-" I began again but I heard Skylar coming down the stairs. "Hey I have to go. Apparently there's an emergency with Kat." She told me as I jumped up and walked over to her. "Emergency? What could that be?" I asked her thinking it was school work and not Lukas. She bit her lip and sighed. "I think her and Lukas are fighting again. He isn't answering anyone and he isn't at the apartment." I gulped. 'Shit.' I thought but nodded anyway. "Okay. Do you want me to go with you?" I asked her even though I'd probably just tag along anyway. She chuckled and kissed me softly. "Hmm. This is a girl thing. Maybe we can get coffee after." She told me and I nodded. 'I'll just have Alan follow her.' I told myself as she grabbed a beanie and kissed me again before walking out to her car and driving off.
"ALAN!" I boomed as a mess of ginger hair came tumbling out of the hallway. "WHAT!" He yelled back at me, clearly he was tired and a bit on edge but I needed him to do this. "Follow her! NOW!" I demanded. I pointed outside as he stumbled out the door and into his car before taking off after Skylar. "Whoa dude. Ease up there." Tino told me as I huffed. "Sorry. I just don't want her to get hurt." I mumbled loud enough for them to hear. "Is that really it? Or is it about the fact that you don't want her finding out what we do besides the band?" Phil asked me which shocked me. "Wh-what!? No that's not it at all! I just don't want her to get hurt by Gabriel!" I defended myself but I knew Phil was right. I was scared she'd find out and I didn't want that.

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