This isn't happening right?

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Skylar POV

In all honesty, I would've rather stayed with Austin all day but I had a huge exam and I didn't want to get my hopes up for anything special to come. I stood in Austin's room, riffling through my stuff trying to find a shirt in my bag. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed my hims and pulled me back, causing me to gasp. I felt Austin chuckle against the skin on my neck before kissing it. "Mr. Carlile you shouldn't scare women like that." I joke while he ran his hands up my body. "Mhmm. Mr. Carlile. I like that." He murmered in my ear, licking the hickey he had made earlier. One of Austin's hands ran behind my back and up to my bra, trying to unhook it but I turned around and placed both of my hands on his chest. He looked at me with confusion and hurt in his eyes. I bit my lip and looked away from him as he lifted my chin so my eyes could meet his. "Austin, I just don't want to be used for sex. It's happened to me before and if this is how it's going to be then I'm going to leave." I whispered quietly, seeing Austin's eyes cloud with hurt and disappointment. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips before breaking away. "Then this won't be just about sex. It'll be something more." He told me picking me up by my thighs and laying me gently on the bed before climbing on top of me and leaving little kisses along my neck until he reached my lips. The kiss was slow and passionate, nothing more and nothing less. I grabbed the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. He gladly kissed me back with just as much passion. I only broke off to catch my breath but by that time he had moved on to kissing my neck. "I can make up the exam." I whispered, just loud enough for Austin to hear. Austin grinned against my neck before flipping us over so that I could lay on top of him. We laid there in silence for a bit and every once in a while he'd run his fingers through my hair. "So I guess this makes you my girlfriend now right?" He asked me and I smirked. "Is this you asking?" He blushed before smiling. "Y-yeah." I giggled and kissed him on the lips. "And that's me answering." He blinked a few times, trying to figure out if I had said yes or no before finally smiling and wrapping me up in a huge hug.
Suddenly, Alan came bursting into the room as Austin and I looked to see what was wrong. "Alan?! Get out!" Austin hissed, covering my shirtless body with the duvet. Alan looked at Austin then at me, then back to Austin while his mouth dropped. "O-OH! Shit sorry guys! I didn't mean-well...erm...the boys are here Austin. I'm just gonna go...yeah." He stuttered out, embarrasement covered his face as he slammed the door shut. Austin chuckled and sighed before throwing me one of his shirts. "Wear this one. It'll look cute on you." I smiled and gladly put it on as Austin held out his hand for me to take, which I gladly did, and we headed downstairs. Tino, Phil, Aaron, and Alan were all sitting on the couch looking rather worried and angry. I shot a glance to Austin who returned it with a sweet smile. He turned to me and pulled me close as we stood in front of the guys. "Why don't you grab something to eat. We're going to have a band meeting and it'll only take a couple of minutes." I nodded while he kissed my cheek and I walked into the kitchen grabbing a bowl and pouring some cereal into it.

Austin POV
I sighed as I watched her walk off into the kitchen. I had made her mine yet I had this sickening feeling that I would lose her. I shook that feeling away as I led the guys to the extra room and into the basement. I sat in the huge chair behind my desk while the guys stood around it. Tino shuffled a bit, clearing his throat as I looked at him. "So Gabriel's back." I nodded slowly. We had always known that this might happen but we just didn't think it would be so soon. "I just want to gut him open in front of the entire fucking world!" Alan snarled, clenching his jaw and balling his fists. "Austin, you know what this means right?" Phil asked me calmly and I nodded. This means we have to kill him before he could get to any of us. "Will you be able to do it?" I shot a look at Aaron before shrugging. "I honestly don't know." "Dude, you taught him the ins and outs of being a hit man. This kid is like Satan in human form." Tino stated. I stood up and stared at all of them. "I will kill him. And I will make sure it gets done this time. I will not allow for any fuck ups you hear?" They all nodded and I sighed. "Good. Now that we have that settled. Alan, Phil, Tino. I need you to take out the target today you hear?" I told them as their eyes went wide with shock. "But Austin we haven't-" Alan began but I motioned for silence. "Just do it. I don't care how it gets done. Get it done and make sure you leave no evidence." They nodded, leaving to take out my demand. Aaron came up and put a hand on my shoulder. "Austin, it'll be okay. I promise." I took in a shaky breath and nodded. "Yeah I know." And with that we headed up stairs.
Skylar was sitting on the kitchen counter, swinging her legs back and forth, scrolling through something on her phone. "Hey Austin." She said, never once looking up from her phone as I gave a little chuckle. "How did you know it was me" I asked her. Now she looked up from her phone ans she shot me a smile. "Who else would stand in the door way and stare at me?" She had a point. I just walked over to her and kissed her. She was absolutely perfect and now she was mine. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black car just sitting on the street and it looked like someone was taking pictures.
At first I thought it was the papartzzi but as I went over to the window to shut the blinds, I froze. It was Gabriel, taking pictures of Skylar and I. I quickly shut the blinds and grabbed Skylar's hand before taking off to the bedroom. She gave me a confused look but remained silent as I sat her down on the bed before laying down on the bed and pulling her on top of me. I let my hands run u and down her ribs all the while she ran her fingers through my hair. I was beyond pissed right now. How dare he take fucking pictures of Skylar and I. How dare he. The only reason I was absent-mindedly touching her was because if I focused on Gabriel I might break something and I didn't want it to be her. I just had to wait until Alan and the others came back. I hoped they'd come back in one piece.

Alan POV
I began to set up the sniper on top of the building opposite to the targets home while Phil and Tino prepared to clean up any evidence. "So Skylar and Austin." Tino began while I turned to him. "Yeah. What about it?" He shurgged and smiled. "I dunno. I think it's good that Austin finally wants to settle down again but really? With Gabriel on the loose she could get seriously hurt." Tino began and I heard Phil slap him upside the head. "Ow what the fuck!" Tino hissed as I laughed. Suddenly, the door to the apartment swung open, revealing our target. I slowed my breath and placed my finger on the trigger. He turned around to lock his door and that's when I took a deep breath and BAM! The bullet shot out from the barrel and straight through his head. He fell to the floor with a thud and didn't move. I glanced over to the door and sighed. The bullet had gone through and there was a huge fucking mess. "Done." I muttered before we got to work, disposing of any evidence.
By the time we were finished, it looked as if nothing had ever happened here, that the kid had just moved away. As we got in the car, I saw two girls walk up to the apartment door and knock. I sighed before heading back to Austin's.

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