Angel face

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The sun was setting as she stepped onto the foreign cobble street. She was completely lost and stuck out like a sore thumb. Her golden blonde hair, freckles, and tan skin. People dressed very differently here as well. Not worrying about how she didn't fit in, she was walking down the street and accidentally bumped into a man who caught her with his strong arms.
"Oh I'm so sorry." She said sincerely.
"Oh don't worry about it love." He said as he held her upright to get her balance.
He looked at her for what seemed like forever and she gave him a confused stare.
"Your eyes! You look like an angel straight from Heaven, love."
"Thank you! Not too bad yourself." She said as they shared a small laugh.
"Are ya lost? I take it from your accent that you aren't from here."
"I am looking for a Ms. Polly Gray." She said as she straightened out her long black coat.
He smirked.
"I think I may be able to help ya with that, angel face." He said as he motioned for her to follow and she did.

They walked into what looked like a big conference room. It was a big busy room with men everywhere, scrambling around with money and paper. There was a big table in the middle of the room with chairs and in the left corner there was an empty office. They were standing face to face as she took it all in.
"The name is Arthur Shelby." He said to her, realizing he never introduced himself.
He put out his hand and she smiled and shook it.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He said back.
Scarlett smiled softly and then a woman walked in from the back. She was wearing a fitted suit with ruby red lips. She looked all business. Scarlett respected that. The woman set her stuff on the table and then a girl, a little younger than Scarlett came in with a man and a little boy. Arthur yelled at the woman with red lips to come over as the other three took a seat.
"I didn't know you ordered an Angel, Poll." Arthur said to her.
"Keep in your pants, Arthur." She said as she hit him upside the head.
Poll turned to her and stuck out her hand.
"Polly Gray." She said.
Scarlett looked up at her for the first time and shook her hand.
"Scarlett." She smiled.
Polly gasped as she stared at Scarlett's crystal blue eyes and held onto her hand a little too long.
"My have the same eyes." Polly said with a shocked, but amused tone.
"Same as who?" Scarlett curiously asked.
"Oh you will find out, love." She smirked.
Scarlett nodded as she followed Arthur and Polly to the table where the other three sat. They all looked up at her and stared.
"Do I have something on my face?" Scarlett joked.
They all laughed as they still stared at her. There was an awkward silence as the looks continued.
"Well I'm Ada Shelby and I am elated to have another woman here! We are going to be great friends!" She exclaimed.
Scarlett smiled. She started to respond, but was cut off by Ada elbowing the man next to her in the ribs. He shook out of his trance and shot her a look.
"I'm sorry I've just never seen anyone that looks like you...ever." He said, still in shock.
Scarlett gave him a confused look.
"It's a compliment, love." He added.
Ada gave him a look and then laughed a little, which made Scarlett quietly laugh.
"And this drooling fool is my brother John. That is the youngest Finn and you've met Arthur...the oldest." Ada said.
"Nice to meet you all. It must have been exciting growing up with four of you." Scarlett admired.
"Oh there's five of us." Arthur chimed in.
Scarlett smiled and nodded.
"You're from across the pond aren't ya?" John asked.
"All the way from New York."
"An American angel." Arthur said quietly hoping no one heard him, but they all did.
"Now what is a girl like you doing with people like us? You look too sweet and innocent." John pushed.
Scarlett and Polly looked at each other and smirked. Polly knew exactly who Scarlett was and respected her for it, just as Scarlett respected Polly. Polly is the one that contacted her for business.
"I mean seriously you are too pretty. You won't last two fooking days here with us. Aunt Poll what were ye thinking with her?" He kept on.
"John that's enough." Polly hissed and then looked at Scarlett who was really enjoying this.
Scarlett took off her coat and set it on the back of her chair as she leaned on the table with both hands, making eye contact with John.
"Please continue." Scarlett said.
"You don't look like you know anything about this life, princess. It'd be a shame if something happened to that pretty face.." He said.
She looked at him in his eyes, used to this from men. Polly walked to the head of the table.
"Ask her her last name John." She said as she dared him.
"Well what is it?" He asked with a judgmental tone.
"Capone. Scarlett Jade Capone." She said slowly, daring him to say the wrong thing.
John's face turned white and the room fell silent as they all looked at each other. Polly smirked because she hated when men would underestimate women.
"If you could see the look on your face." Ada said as she laughed at John.
"Al Capone...Scarface." John whispered quietly, still in shock.
Scarlett looked at Polly who nodded and gave her a look of satisfaction. Polly walked over and sat beside Ada and then Arthur took a seat across from Polly and motioned for Scarlett to sit beside him. Arthur looked at Scarlett.
"You're really Scarface's daughter?" He said as he raised his eyebrows.
"I don't have the tattoos and scars for nothing." She said, which made him sit back and smirk.
They all chatted about her life and her dad a little bit. Scarlett didn't reveal more than she had to. Anyone that lived a gangster's life knew trust was earned and if you reveal too much to the wrong were as good as dead. Little Finn pulled on Scarletts sleeve, wanting her to come with him to show her his toy. She went with him in the corner for a bit. The door opened and a man in a long coat walked in.
"Sorry I'm late." His deep voice said.

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