More than anything

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Scarlett went home that night and looked in the mirror. Her eyes were glazed over and she knew she was gone. She smirked.
"Welcome back." She said to herself.
She went to bed and woke up with the plan in her head. She was doing this alone and when it was right, which was on the seventh day Tommy was in the hospital. Scarlett got dressed and went to the hospital. She sat in the waiting room for the whole day and most of the night. The nights are when she planned and prepared. Every single day, Scarlett sat in the waiting room. On the sixth day, it was really late and Polly walked out of Tommy's room to see Scarlett asleep in a chair. Polly sat down beside her.
"Scarlett." She said waking her up.
"Hmm." Scarlett said as she was groggy.
"Go home dear. I don't know if you've been home the whole time he's been here."
"No I'm okay. I'll stay here in case anything changes."
Polly squeezed her arm and gave her a small smile.
"I may not be allowed in his room, but the least I can do is be here." She added.
"Your next tattoo should be the word loyal." Polly joked.
Scarlett gave a small laugh.
"You know you make all of these nurses and doctors nervous just sitting here." Polly said.
"Good. It's working." Scarlett smirked.
"What is?"
"I'm seeing Tommy tomorrow." She said as she stood up.
Polly gave her a look and then stood up.
"And how will you do that?"
"Fear, Polly. Fear is almost as strong as love."
Polly raised her eyebrow as the two walked out.
"Can you just keep Grace busy from 5 to 5:30?"
Polly nodded hesitantly.
"Thank you....speaking of. Where is she?" Scarlett asked.
"She's been gone since 1pm and hasn't come back."
Scarlett scoffed.
"Shocker." Scarlett mumbled.
"I thought you were going to stay if anything changed?" Polly asked.
"I'll be back tomorrow. I need to go home."
"Good. Get some rest."
"Oh there's no rest for the wicked." Scarlett said as she tapped Polly's shoulder and then walked off.
"Here we fucking go." Polly whispered.
Scarlett walked into her house to see Michael sitting at her table looking at the papers and plans for the priest. Scarlett slammed the door to get his attention. He jumped up and walked to the living room.
"Scarlett I was just—"
"Catching up on your reading?" She said sarcastically.
She walked past him and poured a drink as she sat down at the table.
"Michael, go home and don't tell anyone about this."
He stared at her.
"I think I can help you." He said.
She raised her eyebrow.
"How so?"
He shuffled nervously.
"I have information about him and his past.
Scarlett motioned for him to sit down.
"Pour yourself a drink." She said.
He sat down and poured a drink and then downed it. She eyed him as he poured a second one.
"He used to abuse me while I was in the orphanage."
Scarlett looked at him.
"The things he did to me and the other boys...." He trailed off.
Michael's hand was shaking and Scarlett grabbed it.
"It's okay. He will he dead by this time tomorrow night, okay? He won't be able to hurt anyone else."
He nodded. Scarlett leaned back and downed her whiskey.
"Look I'd take you with me if your mom wouldn't kill me, but."
"Thank you." He said sincerely.
She cleared her throat.
"So what do you think about this plan?" She asked.
"Pretty damn good, but do you think you can take out three men alone?"
"Easily. They aren't men, they are cowards and cowards fall after one hit."
He smirked and then nodded.
"I can cover for you tomorrow. Tell them you went to London or something." He said.
"Okay." She nodded, giving him a chance.
"I'd like to kill him myself, but with my's not possible. I trust you to kill him. I know you'll give him everything he deserves."
She grabbed another drink and looked up at him.
"Nessuna pietà." She said and then downed her drink.
He gave her a weird look because he didn't understand. She smirked and slammed her glass on the table.
"No mercy." She said.
He nodded and then got up to leave. Before he walked out he turned around and looked at Scarlett.
"Be careful, Scarlett."
She nodded and then he left. Scarlett woke up the next day and put on black suit pants that were tight at her thighs and then wider at the bottom. She wore a low cut, black tank top, and an open, black, fitted blazer. She added red heels to complete the look. She was more than satisfied when she looked at herself in the mirror. Before leaving, she made sure she had her loaded gun and knife. She put the gun under her shirt and in the back of her pants, so it was hidden against her back. She waited at her house until it was time for her to go to the hospital. Scarlett got there right on time and Grace was nowhere in sight. She walked in and none of the nurses made eye contact. Scarlett walked over to Tommy's door and then a brave nurse stopped her from going in.
"You aren't allowed in there, Ms. Capone." The nurse said.
Scarlett laughed.
"It's Ms. Burgess' orders." She added.
"I don't see her around, do you?"
The nurse fidgeted because she was nervous.
"You just can't go in there." The nurse said.
Scarlett got in her face.
"And who's gonna stop me? You?" She said in a low threatening tone.
She pulled away and the nurse was shaking. The nurse moved out of the way and Scarlett went in and shut the door. She sat in the chair beside his bed and grabbed his hand.
"Hey, Tom. I don't know if you can hear me, but I hope so. Your fiancé hasn't allowed me to come in here this whole time, but you know me...I didn't let her stand in my way."
She cleared her throat.
"I have a plan and I'm going through with it tonight. And you can't fight me on it." She gave a small laugh.
"There are somethings I need to tell you. Things I would never say out loud. Just in case something happens...I just need you to know a few things about me that no one else knows. A few things I love, just some simple things and yes it all has a point, I promise.....I love the sky when there's a sunset and then how the stars look after. I love the way the ocean feels against my skin and the sand you bring home in your baiting suit. I love making people laugh and being the reason someone smiles. I love looking into someone's eyes for the first time. Now that....that is my favorite. You know hair turns grey, skin wrinkles, and hearts shatter, but eyes....eyes never fade. They are the gateway to the soul and they tell a story. They will shine beautiful until the day someone dies and God, Tommy....every time I look into's like the first time all over again. I fall into them and never want to come back out. It's my favorite thing about you. My favorite thing, ever. One look and I was done. I don't think I can go on if I don't see those baby blues one more time, so I need you to wake up. Not for me, but for Grace and your unborn child. They need you, Tom."
She paused for a minute.
"You know they always say if you love something let it go and if it comes back, it was meant to be. So I'm letting you go, Tom. I'm letting you go so you can be happy with your family. God, I wish there was another way, but there isn't. It's the right thing to do."
She sighed and ran her thumb over his hand.
"They told me losing Hunter would be the hardest thing I'd have to go through, but this....this right here is it........Letting go of's like losing a part of myself. Half my whole heart." She said as a tear fell down her cheek.
She wiped her tear.
"Damn, you see what you do to me." She laughed.
"Alright, Scarlett enough tears. I think I have said enough sappy stuff for the rest of my life."
She cleared her throat again.
"Now, would it be like Tommy Shelby to be late to his own wedding? So wake the fuck up, okay? Or I'll beat your ass." She said with a small laugh.
She nodded and squeezed his hand.
"I don't know if this is goodbye, but I love you Tommy Shelby."
She let go of his hand and walked to the door and looked back.
             "More than anything." She said.
She walked out knowing what she had to do next.

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