New York

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Two days later the whole Shelby family was gathered in the office with their luggage. Scarlett walked in with hers. No one had seen her since the night her brother died. She was wearing black, wide suit pants with a tucked in black button up, but she had a few buttons undone so it was low-cut. She finished her look off with a black hat and red heels. Everyone stared at her as she walked in. She knew exactly what she was doing.
          "You miss a button?" Tommy asked.
          "Nope." She said as she walked right by him without looking.
          "Alright. Lizzie, Esme, and Michael will run the shop while we are gone. Finn will stay here with you as well. He's too young. You also have over a dozen men protecting you." He said as he looked at them.
          "I will be taking the boat that's about two hours behind the one you all will be on." Tommy said.
          "Why come at all?" Scarlett mumbled very quietly, which made Ada laugh.
          "I have the address and I should be there for dinner in a few days." He said.
          "Very well then...let's go to America." Ada said happily.
          "Aye." Tommy snapped his fingers.
          "This is not a fucking holiday." He said coldly.
          "It never is for you." Ada snapped back.
Tommy looked at her and then glanced at Scarlett. Arthur walked up and threw his arm around her shoulder.
          "I think I'll like New York, angel face." He said.
          "Oh you'll love it." She smirked.
The group left and boarded the boat and made their way to America. It took about four and half days to sail there, but they finally docked. Scarlett stepped off the boat and just took a deep breath as she looked around. Ada stepped off and looked out across the water.
          "It's beautiful." She said as she looked at the Statue of Liberty.
Three luxury cars pulled up. The two in the back were blacked out and had four doors. The one in the front was a two door convertible that was all black with red leather seats. Men got out and put all of the luggage in the cars.
           "Alright I can squeeze two....who's riding with me?" Scarlett asked.
           "That's your car?" Arthur asked like he was impressed.
Scarlett nodded as she opened the door and sat down in the drivers seat while she lit a cigarette. Arthur and John walked over to the car, but Polly hit them with her arm.
           "The girls ride in style today, boys." She said as her and Ada got in.
Scarlett smirked at Arthur and put her sunglasses on and then drove off. Polly and Ada were amazed as they looked at the tall buildings and busy streets around them. Scarlett pulled onto fifth avenue street.
           "My God." Ada said.
           "Bloody hell. Look at the size of these houses." Polly added.
Scarlett smiled and parked in front of a beautiful New York mansion. (I used the New York Vanderbilt Mansion as inspiration.) Two men opened their doors. Scarlett got out and tossed the keys up in the air as a man caught them.
           "Glad to be back, Norman." She said with a smile.
           "We are glad you're back, Ms. Capone." He said.
           "It's like we are bloody royalty." Polly said.
           "If you believe you are royalty wherever you can't be touched." Scarlett smirked.
They all followed Scarlett through these huge double doors. The first thing they saw was a big chandelier and a grand staircase. A few maids walked up and took everyone's coats.
           "Shall we show them their rooms, Ms. Capone?" One asked.
           "It's okay Mary, I can show them. Thank you though." Scarlett responded.
She started up the stairs and everyone followed.
           "The whole city of Birmingham can fit in here." Polly said.
           "There are about fifty rooms. The workers get their own floor just like me. We have a guest wing or if you would rather stay in the bedrooms on the floor below me, you can. There are seven on that floor. There are eight floors and an elevator to get to them if you dislike the stairs. I'm on the top floor."
            "Where does your father stay?" Arthur asked.
            "He has his own wing. He likes his privacy."
Scarlett showed them to their rooms and let everyone freshen up for dinner. Scarlett put on a long black silk, tie dress. It had long sleeves and it was a lower cut with a little bit of a thigh slit as well. She added red heels and her silver necklace that had a "C" on it for Capone. She heard a knock on her door and opened it. It was Polly and Ada standing in two beautiful dresses.
             "New York looks good on you two." Scarlett smiled. 
The two walked into the room and looked Scarlett up and down.
             "It looks way better on you." Polly smiled.
Scarlett gave them the tour of her room and then they walked out and down the steps to get the boys. Arthur and John walked out of their rooms and stared at the women.
             "My beautiful women." Arthur said.
They all smiled at him.
             "So, are you ready to meet my father?" She asked.
They all gave her a nervous look.
             "Oh come on. You are the Peaky fucking Blinders. Man up." She said in their accent.
Everyone laughed and then they followed her. They walked into the living room that was right beside the grand dining room. They saw a man wearing a black suit with a matching fedora sitting there with a drink.
            "Father." Scarlett said.
The man stood up. He was over six feet and a solid 200 pounds.
            "There she is. My Scarlett." He said as he hugged her and then kissed both cheeks.
He took his hat off which revealed his dark hair, deep blue eyes, and wide smile. Scarlett introduced him to everyone. The maids then served drinks to everyone. They talked for a long time.
            "You like my house?" Al Capone joked.
            "It's very beautiful, Mr. Capone." Polly said.
            "Please call me Al. You are friends of my daughter, so you are friends of mine."
           "So, Al...what was this one like as a child?" Arthur asked as he pointed to Scarlett.
Al laughed and then pulled out his wallet. He opened it and it had an unimaginable amount of 100's stacked. He pulled out an old, faded picture and showed it to everyone. It was of Scarlett when she was little, sitting on a horse smiling ear to ear.
           "This is my favorite picture of her, but she was just as wild as a horse." He joked.
They all smiled and looked up.
           "Dad." Scarlett said as she was embarrassed.
           "She only listened to me and it drove her mother crazy. She learned how to ride a horse when she was just three. The hardest thing was pulling her off of one."
           "Did she ever get in trouble?" Arthur asked.
           "Did she? Trouble was her middle name. Her and Wesley used to run through the house and cause trouble." He said.
Scarlett took a sip of her drink and looked down.
            "May my sweet boy Rest In Peace." He added.
            "Rest in peace. (riposare in pace)" Scarlett said in Italian.
They all looked up at her with shocked faces.
            "You speak Italian?" John asked.
            "My grandfather was full blood Italian." She smiled.
They all talked amongst themselves and Polly was standing up looking at all of the family photos. She saw one of Scarlett, Wesley and their father, but none with their mother. There were a ton of pictures of just the kids. She saw a picture of Scarlett in her wedding dress, laughing with her father.
              "That was taken minutes before I found out about Hunter." Scarlett said as she walked up.
              "And this one, my father can't bare to take down." She said as she pointed to a picture of Hunter proposing to Scarlett.
              "He said that's the happiest he has ever seen me and he's afraid that's the happiest I'll ever be."
Polly looked at her and was about to say something, but Norman walked in.
              "Ms. Capone there is a man named Thomas Shelby here for you."
              "Thank you, Norm. You can let him in."
Tommy walked in with Grace on his arm. Polly looked up at them.
              "Fucking hell. Not all of us will make it back to Birmingham." Polly mumbled.

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