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About a week later and many business meetings, Polly and Scarlett were in the church while the boys were at the fair. They were lighting candles when an older man busted through the door.
"A gentleman would take off his hat.....put out his pipe." Polly said without turning around.
The man made his way down the isle and emptied his pipe on one of the pews.
"I see you specials only dare come here when you know the boys are away at the fair." She added.
"You mean your nephews? With their guns and razors. Is that who you are lighting the candles for?"
"No. I'm lighting candles for the boys from the Garrison who lost their lives in France. There's a list there. Look." Polly said calmly.
"I heard you didn't make it to France." Scarlett said with no emotion.
"But you did Ms. Capone. Perhaps you never really came back." He said as he inched closer to her.
Polly could see Scarlett's balled up fists...knowing she could blow any second. He walked past them and up to the front.
"Is it the holy grail you're looking for?" Polly asked.
"As a matter of fact, it is." He said as he walked back towards Polly.
Just then his men came in through all of the doors. One threw Scarlett against the wall and came to hold her against it, but she pulled out her curved knife and stabbed him in the stomach. She looked at him and twisted it which made him fall. Another one of Campbell's men came up and pulled her by the hair and slammed her against the wall. He pushed her face against the wall. Polly looked over, not scared whatsoever. Inspector Campbell pushed poll against the wall.
"Something precious, something stolen. Perhaps you know what I'm talking about." He hissed.
Polly leaned in a quickly kissed him on the lips and he jumped back letting her go.
"Sorry. I misunderstood your intention when you pushed me against the wall." She smirked.
"Turn the place upside down." He bellowed throughout the church.
"Next time I want to talk to the boss....Lickey Tea Rooms. Friday, 10:00.." he said as he walked up the isle.
"And when I say the "boss" I mean Thomas." He said as he walked out.
The man let go of Scarlett. She looked him in the eyes and punched him in the face.
"You'll pay for that." She said.
She pulled her knife out of the man she stabbed and then her and Polly made their way out of the church to see complete chaos. Coppers tearing up everything. They quickly made their way to the betting den. Arthur, John, and Tommy walked in a few moments later.
"Now what the bloody hell has been going on here?" Arthur yelled.
Scarlett turned around as she was in the back. She had her bloody knife in her hand. She wiped the blood away as the boys looked at her.
"Jesus Christ." Tommy mumbled.
"They are blaming it on the Peaky Blinders. Saying you cleared out to the fair to let them do it." Polly stated.
John scoffed.
"No one said anything to no coppers about smashing bloody houses!" He said loudly.
"What pubs did they do?" Tommy asked.
"The Guns, The Chain, The Marquis. All the ones that pay you to protect them. They didn't touch The Garrison to make it look like we were in on it." Polly responded.
"Well go on. Drink a beer and go show them your faces. Pay the landlords and get the veterans to fix the places up!" Polly said as she looked to Arthur and John.
They walked out after their beer. Scarlett walked to the table and grabbed her coat. She put it on and started to walk to the door. Tommy caught her arm and turned her around. He looked at her freckled cheek which was starting to bruise. He rubbed his thumb over it.
"You should see the other guy." She said.
She pulled away and walked out the door. Tommy turned back around to Polly who was staring.
"Did Campbell leave that on her?" He raised his voice.
Tommy shook his head in anger. Polly could tell he was upset over this.
"She took care of it herself." Polly smirked.
He nodded and sat down.
"He's knows about our Ada." She added.
"Where is she?" He questioned.
He scoffed. He knew what she was doing.
"Where was she sleeping. Poll?
"I thought you didn't care for women's business."
He lit up a cigarette.
"He knows you're the boss and wants to meet you." She added.
Tommy nodded already having a plan in his head. He walked out the door headed to his stable. He had just bought this beautiful white horse today at the fair. He heard a familiar voice talking to his horse.
          "Such a handsome boy." Scarlett smiled.
Tommy stood and admired for a moment. After a while he cleared his throat and she quickly turned.
          "Curly let me in here." She said not looking away from the beautiful beast.
He tilted his head at her.
         "Wanna go for a walk with him?"
She nodded and he grabbed the horse's reigns. They walked down the cobblestone stone road. The horse heard a loud sound and jumped up. Tommy was rubbing the horses's long nose and tried to calm him. Scarlett rubbed the horse's neck and then his nose. She looked him in the eyes.
         "Shhh,'s just noise. It's all just noise." She said as she rested her forehead on his face.
    The horse finally calmed down after that. Tommy looked on with a small smile that he wouldn't let anyone see. She turned around and caught him off guard. He didn't say anything, just looked.
          "I've always had a way with animals." She smiled as she rubbed the horse.
          "That's a good quality to have here." He said.
She looked at him because she knew he was comparing certain people to animals. Maybe even himself. They continued walking and just made it to the back of the Garrison when a spit bucket was thrown out. Most of it hitting Scarlett because she was the closest. Grace smirked as she saw a soaking Scarlett.
          "Wow, you didn't melt." Graced laughed.
Scarlett started to walk towards Grace, but Tommy intervened.
          "Scarlett." Tommy said coldly.
She turned to look at him and then got in Grace's face.
          "One day he won't be here to save you." She spat.
Grace held her bucket and she looked over Scarlett's shoulder at Tommy. Scarlett turned around.
          "I'm going to change. I'll see you for our meeting later." Scarlett said and then walked off.
Grace walked over and ran her hand down the horse's neck.
          "What's his name?" She asked.
          "No name yet."
          "The poor boy deserves a name."
          "Do you have something to say to me?" He questioned.
          "I would like you to allow singing on Saturday's. Harry was too afraid to ask."
          "And you're not?" He pushed.
          "I am, but I love to sing." She said proudly.
Tommy looked at her and cocked his head. His mind was turning with ideas.
          "You sound like a rich girl who likes races. How would you like to make some extra money?"
          "Doing what?" She questioned.
          "Dig out a nice dress. You're going to the races with me." He said.
She smiled and nodded. Tommy started to walk on, but turned back around to look at her.
          "I'd watch yourself around Scarlett."
          "I'm not scared of her." She said confidently.
Tommy laughed and tilted his head.
          "You should be." He said as he turned around.
As Tommy was walking, Arthur ran up to him.
          "Just saw Scarlett. She was soaking wet and bloody mad. Mumbling about Grace and then how it would be in New York." Arthur laughed.
Tommy told Arthur what had just went down.
          "She really dumped it on her?" He asked.
Tommy nodded.
          "Did she knock her out?" He asked excitedly.
          "I stopped her before she could, brother."
Arthur rubbed his chin with his hand.
          "Next time....don't." Arthur said and then ran off.
Scarlett just walked on her porch and she was mumbling to herself. Liam and Lane were sitting on theirs and just watched her.
          "Who pissed you off now, Jade?" Liam yelled.
He has always called her multiple nicknames. She looked at them and glared.
          "The fucking barmaid."
They both laughed.
          "Did she do something to you or are you mad because she has his attention too?" Liam yelled.
Scarlett looked at him and blinked slowly.
          "Seriously?" She yelled back.
          "He's not good for you, Scar." Liam said as he walked onto her porch.
She flinched when he called her that. Only one person had ever called her that.
         "Oh and you are?" She said as she raised her voice.
She turned around and started to open her door, but he pulled her back around by the arm. She tried to jerk it away, but couldn't. Lane then walked over because he could see this was going
         "Liam!" Lane yelled.
Liam didn't move or let go. She looked up at him daring him to say something else.
         "I cannot believe you called me Scar." She said quietly as her voice broke a little.
         "You are not him." She screamed.
         "And you think he is?" He said as he got in her face.
Lane looked around noticing everyone staring at them.
         "Guys." He said loudly.
Scarlett tried to break the grip, but he wouldn't let up.
         "He will never be him. He's not half the man—"
         "And you think you are?" She interrupted.
He was stunned that she said that. His grip loosened and she jerked her arm away.
        "Call me that again and I will cut out your tongue." She spat.
He stepped back because he'd seen that fire in her eyes before. She was not joking around. He threw up his hands in surrender and then his brother pulled him off the porch. Scarlett then realized all the people staring at her.
          "Take a fucking picture, it'll last longer." She yelled.
Scarlett walked into her house and slammed her door. All she could hear was him calling her scar, knowing exactly what he was doing. She could feel her anger taking over. She took a deep breath and poured herself a drink. Kicking off her shoes, she made her way upstairs and ran a bath. Without waiting for the water to warm, she got in hoping that the water would make her feel anything, but numb. She held her breath and slipped under the water. She looked at the ceiling from under the surface and screamed because she knew no one would hear it.

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