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In the rearview mirror, the woman made sure that there were no tear stains on her cheeks from the crying that she had been doing since she left

Exhaling sharply before stepping out of the Jeep, shutting the car door behind her then heading towards the main entrance

Sage walked straight towards the elevator pressing the usual floor making the doors shut and the elevator move upwards, until it reached the designated floor

Entering Braga's office, silence fell on the whole room mostly Fenix's who had been ranting on and on, all eyes now being on Sage

"Where have you been?" The question rolled off of Braga's tongue in a way that gave Sage shivers "I escaped like any other normal human being would do in a situation like that?"

"And after you escaped?" The added question made Sage nod towards her stitched-up leg "I had to clean this up, or else I could've lost my leg you know?"

"Liar!" Fenix suddenly yelled making Sage's eyebrows rise in surprise

"What the fuck you mean, by that huh? You think I went to my grandma's for cookies?" Sage strides towards him while gritting through her teeth, stopping inches from Fenix's face

"She went with Torreto, she got in the damn car with Torreto!" Fenix turned away from Sage and to Braga while accusingly pointing at Sage

"Fenix keep pointing at me like this and I'll break you and that finger in ways that you didn't even know were possible" Sage grabbed Fenix's face with her hand, but his attitude seemed to remain the same

"Sage, did you or did you not get in that car with Torreto" Braga asked ever so calmly completely ignoring the small feud between her and Fenix

"I didn't!" Sage declined both Fenix's accusation and Braga's question, now also turning to face her boss

"Okay" Braga nodded, his words made Fenix throw his arms up in defeat as he started to walk out of the office space, all eyes on him whilst doing it

Right at the exit of the office Fenix paused, turning around with a scowl "I'm telling you right now, that she's with Torreto" And with that the man walked out, his heavy footsteps fading away the farther he walked

Sage glanced at Gisele who had a mixture of concern and discomfort plastered on her face

"Well, Torreto stole the shipment" Braga spoke making Sage focus on him once again "We'll get it back, there's no way that he's going to run off with the shipment, he wants Fenix, and by the looks of it Fenix is still breathing"

Gisele's phone rang making her pick it up from the table, not even checking who was calling  "Yes?"

"It's Dom" The deep voice made Gisele glance over to Sage who sat on Braga's desk chair

"I was just thinking about you" Gisele spoke as she snapped her fingers at Sage, catching the woman's attention

"You know, when I gave you my number I was hoping you'd call, but not under these circumstances" Gisele continued as calmly as she could

"What circumstances? Me being alive?"

"That and returning my favorite work partner, but don't take it personally" Gisele commented making Sage nod at the woman's words who stood in front of her

"Sage is with you?" Dom asked a slight concern raised in his voice "Yeah, where else would she go after-" Gisele gritted through her teeth but stopped remembering that Braga was in the same room as her

Sage had spoken to Gisele of what happened, not too much though just the part were Sage had to tell Dom that she worked for Braga

"I got some business of my own... get Campos" The words made Gisele go over to her boss and hand him the phone "It's them"

Braga took the phone from Gisele's hands before shooing away Sage who kissed her teeth in response than going to sit on the couch where Gisele was

Sage didn't even bother to listen to their conversation as she poured herself a cup of the alcohol that sat in front of her, downing it in seconds

When Braga finished the call he threw the phone at Gisele and looked at Sage "You better not have anything to do with this shit" Braga mumbled pointing at Gisele's phone, their boss clearly being annoyed

author here!

thank you so much for 6K reads
on this story, I never thought that it would reach this number and I'm
forever grateful! <3

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