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Mia typed away on the laptop infront of her, whilst Sage watched the younger Torreto impressed. After hours and hours of disagreeing and nagging, Dom at last convinced Sage to stay with Mia at the warehouse because of her weak state, her shoulder still pained and even though she didn't want to admit to Dom that he was right, she definitely was in no state to drive recklessly around the streets of Rio

"Call it out girls!" Dom's voice boomed through the walkie talkie, the two women shifted closer to the electronics before them, whilst Mia handed Sage the walkie talkie in order for the younger Torreto to continue clacking away on her laptop

"You've got a straight shot for two blocks" Mia shouted into the radio that Sage held for her "Go right"

"Well, the plan's working you guys have every corrupt cop in Tio on your tail" Sage added as she eyed the laptop attentively "You guys has to move fast"

"What's the best route?" The question made both of the woman keep reading the screen before Mia nodded for Sage to turn on the walkie talkie so she could give directions "Okay, keep going straight another half mile onto Rua Fonseca, and then go left"

"That ain't gonna work" The older Torreto started but Brian quickly chipped in "Spikes ahead, Dom, we got spikes!"

"We're going right!" The statement made the two woman frown and glance at eachother "Nah, it's too tight we're not gonna fit!"

The numerous news reports that were poping up on the screen made Mia and Sage's eyes widen "Guys, I am hearing all this chatter, did you guys just take out a bank?" Scoffing at their own boyfriends the two women sat staring shockingly at the laptop "Two inbound"

"All right, there's an alley coming up on your left" The directions were immediately followed by the two "Yeah, I got it"

"Oh, how I wish I could be out there" Sage huffed when no more questions came from the other side of the radio, the younger Torreto chuckling at her friend's nature "Guys, there's a big group coming from the south, you'll have to do something now!" Mia warned, the only response heard tires screeching, metal clashing and ever so often random catch phrases

"You guys just carved out a 10 second window, make it count!" The woman spoke into the walkie talkie whilst Mia continued to rapidly type

Once Sage realized that they were on the bridge she frowned and pursed her lips together "Bridge... bridge! It's not gonna work on the bridge they're gonna trap them!" She spoke more to herself but ofcourse Mia also heard which was when realization it her aswell

"Hey, there's too many of 'em! We're not gonna make it" Brian's words made the two woman stop their small talk of the problem and look at the walkie talkie, waiting for Dom's response "You're right, we aren't"

"You are" The two words that made Sage's stomach flip, throat tie, heart drop, eyes widen and her ability for words dissapear "What are you talkin' about?"

"Just let the vault go, get out of there" Mia chocked on her words as she glanced at Sage who's color had been drained from her face "You're a father now, Brian"

"No, I'm not leaving you, now you stick with the plan!" Brian barked through the walkie talkie and Sage regained her scenes, grabbing the walkie talkie out of Mia's hands "It was always the plan"

"Dom, you listen to me now okay? You cut loose right now!" Sage practically yelled into the electronic "Jesus fucking christ Dom! Please don't do this, please don't leave me!"

The woman got up from her seat and started pacing around with tears brimming her eyes "You can't leave me Dominic! You can't-" A sob escaped her as her nails dug into the side of her arm "You have to be here, for me... for Mia!"

"Dominic you aren't going to leave me like this!" By now sobs and tears were streaming down the womans face, she'd never had such reaction until now

"I love you Sage" Dom spoke softly, making Sage wreck another wave of tears because of the choice of words "No! I want you to tell me that to my face- I want to tell you that to your face" The woman was about to protest more but was stopped when the line was cut off making her go silent and freeze

Sage dropped to the floor, completely ignoring her physical pain, letting go of the walkie talkie making it ski across the floor and land near Mia who was just as struck as Sage was, as much as they would like to comfort each other they couldn't even comfort themselves

Han, Gisele, Roman and the others had returned from the streets of Rio only to find the two woman totally stunned, Mia was still able to explain what happened but Sage had gone and sat on the concrete floor behind a pillar which faced away from the entrance and hadn't moved or said anything since, it looked like depression itself had caught on to her faster than it had on anyone ever

Not long after Sage heard Brian arrive and call out for Mia whom immediately jumped into her boyfriend's arms, Sage glanced to them expecting to see only the blonde but a all to familiar figure caught her eye which made her shift her gaze fully

Dom stood there looking at his girlfriend with sympathy and worry, the woman shot up and ran towards him, the Torreto meeting her halfway as she jumped into his arms, clinging onto him for dear life like she was never going to let go, the team watched the reunion with sympathetic smiles

"Oh my god, don't ever do that again" Sage's words muffled as she buried her face in Dom's chest, the man softly lifted the woman's face from his chest, the sight of her blood shot red eyes and tear stained cheeks made his heart ache but he still brought his face to hers, connecting their lips passionately

"I love you" Dom whispered when the two separated from the kiss, a smile forming on Sage's lips for the first time since the job had begun "That's better," She chuckled wiping remaining tears from her cheeks "I love you too, Dominic Torreto"

Hi again! It's me here to apologize once more, I feel like I'm rushing things with Dom and Sage because literally four chapters ago they became official, if you guys would prefer to change it let me know and I will! Thank you for reading and have a amazing day/ afternoon/ night!

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