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Dom, Brian, Mia and Sage all crept through the sewers until finally exiting into the open air once again, just had escaped two different types of enemies and somehow were here with no severe injuries

Dom scanned his surroundings attentively, looking for different ways to get out without being caught "They're gonna be looking for the four of us together now. We need to split up"

Dom's words made Sage deeply frown "How about we don't do that because then we'll end up loosing each other for a fact" Sage retorted sternly as she walked over to the older Torreto, gripping the hem of his shirt

"You, Sage and Mia head south, I'll lead them away" Dom completely ignored Sage's previous words "Pfft, now you know that I'm definitely not letting you go alone" Sage sarcastically scoffed, muttering her words as she tried to stabilize her breathing, her forehead resting on the man's chest "No" Mia agreed with her sister shaking her head in protest

"Dom's right, look how lucky we just got. What happens next time? We have no choice but to split up" Brian spoke making Sage throw up her arms in defeat

"I'm pregnant" The words took the two men by complete surprise and shock "I already lost my family once, I'm not going through that again" Mia added, smiles on both of the woman's faces

"Are you kidding me?" Brian asked holding his girlfriend by the arms, pure happiness evident in his eyes "No"

Dom glanced at Sage who was a short distance from him, also with a smile on her face making the older Torreto frown "You knew about this?" Dom asked playfully as he went over to hug Sage who cockingly shrugged before wrapping her arms around the man's neck as well

"Dom? Promise me we stick together" Mia asked, a small smile rising on her brother's lips "I promise" The man said as he put a arm around Sage's waist, leading her into a big group hug

"Our family just got bigger" The genuine happiness could be heard in the oldest Torreto's voice, his words made the group chuckle

When nighttime fell the four had found an abandoned house in the Favelas, Mia had already fallen asleep after the chaotic day, meanwhile Sage and the two men where sat on the balcony in silence, the woman sat on the thick concrete railing looking out into the night sky

"Hey, Dom what do you remember about your father?" Brian asked while leaning against the railing of the balcony "My father..."

"He used to, uh– he used to have a barbecue every Sunday after church, for anybody in the neighborhood. If you didn't go to church, you didn't get any barbecue, I met Sage at one of those too so," Sage turned her head at the mention of her name, Dom shooting her a faint smile, and her doing the same before resuming her night time stargazing "Every single day he was in the shop, and every single night, he was at the kitchen table with Mia, helping her with her homework. Even after she went to sleep, he'd stay up for a few more hours, so he could learn the next chapter and help her the next day. I remember everything about my father. Everything."

"That's just it, I don't remember shit about my dad," The words made Sage look at Brian sympathetically, stroking his arm comfortingly "I don't remember him yelling. I don't remember him smiling. To be honest with you, I don't even remember what the hell he looked like. I don't remember. He just– He was just never there"

"You ain't gonna be like that, Brian" Dom spoke making all three glance at a peacefully sleeping Mia

"Can't keep runnin', Dom" Sage nodded along with Brian's words "We gotta get out. We gotta get out now" Sage added to Brian's statement, after a period of silence Dom nodded "You're right"

"Here's how we're gonna do it. We're gonna use this. We're gonna do one last job" Dom displayed the small chip in front of the two,"We're gonna take all of Reyes's money– every dime of it– and disappear. Forever."

"New passports, new lives, with no more lookin' over our shoulder. And we're just gonna but our freedom" Brian agreed, the oldest Torreto nodding along with his Brian's words,
Sage's eyebrows raised in surprise as she kissed her teeth and shifted herself around to face the two men stood in front of her before she finally spoke "You realize we're talkin' about going up against the most powerful guy in all of Rio?"

"Yes, we are" Dom replied calmly, making Sage mutter a 'alright' before her attention shifted towards her fiddling fingers

"Then we're gonna need a team" Brian added making the oldest Torreto nod in agreement. Mia started to shift in her laying position, along with some faint groans that made Brian quickly head into the small room where his girlfriend was, leaving Sage and Dom outside on the balcony

Dom glanced at the woman who was sat on the railing, head down whilst fiddling with her fingers "It sounds nice doesn't it?" Dom muttered, going to stand in between Sage's legs, the woman nodded in agreement before looking into Dom's eyes "It does"

"Vietnam, Laos Maldives, Ivory Coast, Canary Islands–" The man started which made the woman smile but interrupt in a specifically named island "Oh, the Canary Islands sound sooo good right now" Sage playfully whined which made Dom chuckle at the woman, catching her with her eyes closed, the man gently pulled their lips together, the two passionately kissing

"Did I just see you guys kiss or am I hallucinating?" Brian appeared in the balcony door, Sage chuckled as Dom looked at the blonde trying to hide a smile of his own "Go to bed O'Conner" Dom spoke which made Brian throw his hands up "Yeah, definitely wasn't planning on sticking around if you two were going to start making out anyways" The statement made Dom laugh deeply following with Sage who tried to hold in her's. Brian momentarily disappearing but then sneaking in some last words "Wait, can I just know when this started because–"

"Goodbye, Briannn" Sage dragged the blonde's name playfully as she snaked her arms around Dom's neck and pulled him closer to her

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