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Braga stood on his knees, whispering prayers in Spanish with his eyes closed after the pastor had exited the church

"You ain't forgiven" Dom's deep voice made Braga open his eyes and be met with two guns pointing right at him

"You boys want to arrest me?... aqui mesmo?" Braga asked not moving a muscle "No, we're beyond that" Brian responded, often glancing to the main door of the church "You can't buy your way outta this one"

"Hermano, you and me-- you and me, we not so different... you're no hero" Braga said which made Dom load the shotgun unhooking it from its safety hinge, Braga closing his eyes in fear and desperation that somehow he could be saved

"You're right, and that's why you're going back across the border" Dom spoke which made Brian firstly glance at Dom with uncertainty but then proceeding to clasp handcuffs on Braga's wrists

"But Fenix is mine"

Brian's Subaru Impreza WRX took a few sharp turns as it glided through the streets, Dominic following behind in his charger

"You'll make it a couple of miles out, if you're lucky" Braga attempted to scare the man but instead being completely ignored by Brian who was swerving traffic in complete silence

They reached the dirt road, causing the road to become more reckless and unsteady, the piles of dust making it harder to see

"You know where you going?" A teasing smug grin was spread across Braga's face as his body shook around in the seat, Brian glancing at him "You wanna borrow my GPS?"

The only thing Braga could do is laugh, which pissed Brian off to the absolute core

"Where your boys at? They gonna show up or what?" And as if Brian summoned them, a wave of machine gunshots were fired, continuing to come more and more from uncountable directions "Careful what you ask for"

It was like the whole village was there, against Brian seeing that all the bullets were directed to his vehicle

"Just stop, just stop the car" Braga attempted to convince Brian but of course failing when the back windshield was shot out, making glass shatter inside the car, Braga shortly after screeching and yelling in fear "¿Que hacen?"

Meanwhile, Fenix had arrived on the scene, tipping over cars who were in his way "¡No disparen al jefe, idiotas!"

"Right behind you" Dom said through the two-way radio making Brian look back seeing a destructed truck come his way but was immediately flung over by Dom, the truck disappearing over the hill

"Dom head to the tunnel, let's use the tunnel" Brian spoke into the radio as they reached the open zone that led to the tunnels

Many vehicles swerved past Dom and joined Brian in front which made the man smash his window with his bare elbow before starting to flat tires with the shotgun

"Get outta here, Brian" Dom spoke making Brian accelerate Dom doing the exact opposite

"You sure you know where the tunnels are? You sure?" Braga's words didn't seem to affect Brian in any way as he continued to drive straight forward "Yeah, I'd hold on... this might hurt"

Brian smashed through the rock and into the tunnel, Fenix now following closely behind

"You're in my world now, baby!" Fenix yelled with a smug smile on his face

But his smile was quickly wiped off his face when he heard another engine behind him, Sage

"Cabrona!" Fenix yelled in frustration as he hit his steering wheel before speeding up causing the Ford Maverick GT 1975 which Sage was driving to also speed up

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