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"interpol picked up one of shaw's guys in moscow. i went in had a little therapy session with him, he gave up shaw's hideout" hobbs briefly explained as the team stood at the highest level of a parking lot, mostly unused or maybe evacuated because of the current situation.

"then why aren't we down there now?" sage asked as she watched the scenery below intently "well we weren't invited"

tej clicked away furiously on his equipment before glancing but at hobbs, "hobbs they're sending in your punching bag"

"he's wired, he's going to give a positive ID on shaw before they move in" the team watched the scenery below as the decoy dissapeared into the building.

it looked absurd really, the amount of fbi, cna, sfc, interpol and police officers swarming the area. for one guy and one guy only; shaw.

the team was able to listen in on the conversation thanks to tej, it had been a pretty normal discussion up until the subject started wailing shaw's name, confirming the identity of their target. "i just got confirmation on shaw! they're going in"

gisele and sage occasionally switched the binoculars between them to get a better view on the scenery below them "wait, wait, hold up" tej drew a finger, catching the team's attention.

"police scanners are saying alarms are going off at interpol headquarters" it was enough to realize that not just them but half of the force below had been fooled.

"shit, he brought us here so that he could take down interpol" brian spoke looking at dom.

"this whole thing's a set up" sage added, leaning off of the railings and also glancing at dom awaiting his orders.

"brian, take the team" the request made sage frown for a quick second, "what about you?" she inquired with knitted eyebrows.

"hobbs and i will wait for shaw, shaw leads to letty" sage hesitated but eventually gave in, following brian suit to their vehicles after dom gave her a reassuring kiss on the cheek.

sage raced down the street, her and brian being in the front while the rest of the team followed, "hey han, how far are we from interpol?"

"twelve blocks away" han immediately replied through the walkie talkie.

"you guys it's like a ghost town over here" tej added vaguely.

"shaw must have pulled all the cops to him" sage spoke, her walkie talkie squeaking after every sentence uttered.

roman had made some kind of commentary though sage didn't listen to it, instead distant explosions caught her attention, her mind was running wild and she just prayed that her boyfriend was alright.

"interpol straight ahead" han's words pulled her back to reality, making her speed up even more, though she forced to stop when someone started firing at her and the team.

she braked abruptly and got out of the car, keeping behind the door to use it as a shield. starting to fire at the target that had been in a higher level.

shots to her right became apparent and now she had been firing upward, left, right and still managed to dodge the bullets.

"sage, come on!" brian called out as he got into the car making her do the same and speed of towards the disappearing vehicles.

they raced down the street, roman and tej following behind aswell, the two had locked their targets but once metallic chips were shot at all four's cars "what the fuck is that?"

tej's car gaining a mind of it's own and running off of the street by itself answered the question pretty quickly, sage's eyes widened once realization hit.

"oh shit!" her walkie talkie sounded as roman and his car flipped over and into a glass building.

"fuck me" she muttered before swerving her car right next to a pole, making the chip easily flip off of the side of her vehicle due to the impact, "you're going to have to try harder than that boys"

"dom! tej and roman are out, where are you?"

"i'm right behind you" dom's words made sage look back, her briefly sighing in relief at the sight.

the team followed into a long tunnel, now having to swerve cars that where everywhere, "i got eyes on shaw, he just made a left. toretto make that left!" hobbs barked through the walkie talkie, after brian and sage took right.

brian had taken the suv while sage was left with the odd racing car, she bumped into it a couple times before brian's vehicle crashed into it, making him fly right over her and tumble off.

"brian, are you good?" sage spoke, pressing the gas to try and catch up with the weird racing car.

"i'm fine" the response came with a groan but it was enough for sage to dismiss him.

"i'm detouring" she voiced into the walkie talkie to no one in particular.

she eventually made it to the main road, being hit by a new vehicle multiple times from behind, "letty" was the only thing she whispered to herself, the woman zoned out for a second, not knowing what to do, "dom, i've got letty!".

sage followed the grey vehicle, dom responded by pushing between her and letty, making him the leader of the chase.

he hit letty at a curb making her vehicle slide sideways and brake, she and dom had gotten out whilst sage was just now safely braking.

though to their shock, after dom had called out to the black haired woman she shot him, which caused sage to let out a gasp and rush out of her vehicle and towards her boyfriend.

"dom!" she ran up to him spread out on the hood of the car, holding his front shoulder.

sage's hands immediately replaced his, worry written all over her face and pure shock and surprisement on dom's, he was clearly hurt emotionally by what had just happened and was still making sense of it.

thankfully the wound wasn't in a fatal place and the toretto wasn't showing any signs of fainting or anything, "i'm fine".

"i can't have you die on me now, i need you okay?" sage spoke half heartedly, a comforting yet very faint smile on her lips.

"you think a little bullet wound is going to stop me?" dom tried to match her tone even though his mind was in a completely different place other than sage, he struggled but he managed to smile back, as his arm was slung over the woman's shoulder she slowly led him to her vehicle.

author here!

look at me keeping my
promises! see y'all i updated,
i tried to add a little cuteness
at the end even though dom was
hurt, they're always joking around
thank you all for commenting on that
previous chapter, y'all made this happen and motivated me to continue.
i'm trying to get back into the fast & furious groove because i kind of fell off after f9.
i'm writing according to the movie and online scripts seeing as i can't write without subtitles (which the website doesn't have) so it takes some time but i'll get used to it.
i got some AMAZING suggestions and ideas for sage's storyline, i will give credit to the original owner when i use it, which will be soon.
again thank you for reading, comment because i love interacting with you all!

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