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The four took the car apart, inspecting every single piece of the car. Mia watched her boyfriend in awe calling for him which made him glance at her "Hhm?"

"I have something to tell you" Mia whispered but was interrupted when the door slammed shut "Goddamn" Vince's voice echoed throughout the warehouse, everyone stopped what they were doing now looking at the man who stressfully walked towards them

"What a mess" The man chuckled as he approached his family "Where you been, man?" Brian questioned seriously, a frown apparent on Vince's face "You better watch that tone"

"And you just better answer the goddamn question, Vince" Brian's words made Sage stand up from her sitting position on the concrete floor but Mia being closer to them was the one to separate the feudal men "Stop it. Both of you"

"Where were you, Vince?" Dom now asked the question, this time it actually being answered "Guys are all over the favelas asking about you. Couldn't get out of there without leading 'em straight to ya. Had to wait 'em out"

"That is such horseshit" Brian pitched in furiously "That was your job! Those were your guys!" The two men jumped eachother again, this time Mia not interfering Sage and Dom did instead, separating the two

"Hey! Enough, O'Conner!" Dom's baritone voice shouted loudly, while he pointed a finger at the blonde who was held back by Sage "If he said he didn't do it, he didn't do it. Go walk it off!"

Brian was guided out of the warehouse by Sage who glanced back at the older Torreto with a vague look, Mia unsure of what to just stood back in the same position

When night time fell Dom was wide awake leaning against the wall that the bed was against while Sage was asleep, there wasn't sufficient rooms in the warehouse for them each to have their own bedroom, but that didn't bother either of them because while they were constantly traveling the motel rooms didn't give them much space either so sleeping in the same bed wasn't something unusual for the two

It didn't take the light sleeping woman long to realize that Dom wasn't asleep, she fluttered her eyes open and looked at Dom who was wide awake and deep in thought

"Hey" Sage whispered, snapping the man out of his thoughts, him looking at the woman with a faint smile "You okay?"

"Yeah" The short answer made Sage prop up from her laying position, now sitting criss cross next to Dom, whilst facing him with a worried expression visible on her features

"Is it Vince?" The woman questioned and Dom just shrugged his shoulders in response. Sage grabbed his hand squeezing it lightly in reassurance, a few seconds later Dom pulled the woman closer, causing her to wrap her arms around his torso and rest her head on the man's chest while he stroked her hair comfortingly

Sage looked up at Dom who had already been watching her play with the hem of his shirt, the womans eyes glistening with a small smile on her lips. Dom's hand moved from her hair to the back of her neck, bringing Sage's face closer to his until their lips connected softly the pair's eyes closing as the kissed prolonged

The woman moved to slowly straddle Dom's lap as his hands rested on her waist and hers on his chest, the kiss deepened and lasted for a few more seconds before their lips separated, the two resting their foreheads against one another, with faint smiles on their faces

The two held eye contact for a while before Sage started giggled sheepishly, something she barely ever did and fell over from Dom's lap and onto the mattress, a grin also appearing on the man's face "Watchu giggling about"

"Nothing" Sage breathed out, genuinely happy as she sat back up and pecked Dom's lips once more, but unfortunately, the magical moment ended when footsteps were heard from the other side of the bedroom which made the pair snap their heads towards the door and all smiles turn into frowns, Dom gently removed Sage's legs off of his lap, motioning for her to stay in the bedroom which she did, him then quietly exiting the bedroom

Dom watched Vince stand over the vehicle, pulling out a chip as quietly as he could but being startled when he heard Dom's voice "Almost wish I didn't see that... almost" The oldest Torreto approaching Vince made him release the chip from his grasp, letting it fall back onto the metal surface "Wait, Dom"

"Mia was on that train. My sister! Sage was on that train!" Dom yelled pushing Vince backwards, sending him to smash into one of the pillars "I didn't know. I wouldn't do anything to hurt them!"

"You set up the deal!" The Torreto accused his long time brother, Vince even flinching when Dom moved closer to him "I thought the job was for the cars, I didn't know. All they want is the chip!"

Dom's hands slammed against the pillar behind Vince, and right beside his face "Damn! You should've come clean!"

"What's going on out here?" The bedroom next door opened aswell, Mia annoyingly walking out of the room and into the scene, Brian following his girlfriend before glancing at Sage who had already been leaning against the bedroom door frame, nervously digging her short nails into the side of her arm as she watched the two men verbally fight

"Nothing" Dom answered simply before  starting to walk back to the bedroom but being stopped by Vince "Please Dom, just let me have the chip, I can take this to them. They'll give it to Reyes and set things right"

"Get out" Dom's words made Vince's eyes widen and a shocked look wash over his face "What?"

"Get out!" This time Dom even caused Mia and Sage to flinch at his sudden words, Vince started to walk but paused glancing at Brian then at Dom again "You never listen to me, not when I told you he was a cop, not now" Vince spoke as he pointed at Brian accusingly

"You neve trust me, and look where it's gotten us. Look at our family now. I can't go home. Your sister's stuck in this life."

"Where's Letty, Dom? Where's Letty?" Vince's words made everyone tense up the second they heard Letty's name, thick tension being left in the air as Vince walked out of the warehouse, you could hear a pin drop from the silence that had been present in the area

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