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"Number one is on the move, man"
"Two's on the move" The walkie-talkies came through with the first two confirmations, whilst Sage leaned on her car next to Gisele who leant on her motorcycle, the two women watching the third SUV being loaded with black duffel bags. When the vehicle started driving, Sage got into her car and Gisele onto her motorcycle, the woman allowing the motorcycle to lead whilst she followed "We've got three" Sage confirmed into the walkie talkie

"I know y'all said they were consolidatin' the money somewhere but... y'all ain't gonna believe this" Tej spoke through the radio, his statement making Sage frown in question

"Well, this job just got a lot harder" Brian said as everyone shifted around uneasily "If he's movin' it into a police station, he's got some serious brass in his pocket" Roman complained and for once, Sage actually agreed with the man

"Parece que este será un viaje más corto de lo que pensaba" Tego spoke and Sage immediately nodded in agreement"Mh-mm, honestly en mis diecisiete años de ser criminal, nunca había visto a alguien con tanto poder sobre una ciudad." Sage muttered to Gisele whom also nodded in agreement (Honesty in my seventeen years of being a criminal, I've never ever seen someone with this much power over a city)
"Hell yeah. We can't do this"

" 'Can't'? You mean 'shouldn't'," Han added vaguely, "I think this doesn't change a thing. I say we stick to the plan" When Dom finished, Sage quickly frowned, but chose to stay quiet

"You say what? This just went from mission impossible to mission in-freakin' sanity. Whatever man, I ain't scared I'm just letting y'all know, going in that building is crazy" Roman shouted as he started walking towards the exit of the roof, Brian jogging after his long time friend "I got this"

"Want me to sneak as a private detective or something" Sage said sarcastically as the team started their own conversations, whilst she stood in front of Dom with a playful smile "Maybe not you, but we can send in someone else" The Torreto actually considered the idea which caught Sage by slight surprise "Wait– I was just joking, but why not me? I'm a very... people's person"

"I can agree on the people's person thing, but you loose your patience very easily and same goes for your temper" Dom spoke with a teasing smirk plastered on his face, the woman gaping her mouth open in disbelief and playfully slapping the man's arm

"See you walkin' away from me! That's considered loss of temper" Sage mockingly strutted away from the Torreto and towards the roof exit where everyone was "Yeah, loss of temper to deal with you"

The woman tried to bite back a laugh but quickly failing when she felt two strong arms wrap around her from behind, her body being lifted from the ground with ease

"Dom! Put me down!" Sage laughed as she shuffled around in Dom's grasp

"The beauty of public offices? Public records." Mia spoke as she unrolled the architectural design of the police station "And this is where he's keeping the money, the vault in the evidence room" Brian added pointing to a specific location on the landscape

"Um, uh, yeah– can I get everyone's attention, right here, for a second?" Tej announced causing all eyes to fall on him "We're talking about breaking into a police station, is anyone listening to those words? Anybody? Po po? Five-0. One time. Pigs. People we don't like"

"You know, police stations are designed to keep people in, not out" The Korean man retorted with his arms crossed to his chest "That's why it's a stealth mission. We'll be in and out before they even know we were there"

"Well, we'll need to get eyes in there. At least to find out the make of that vault" The Torreto continued as his fingers drummed on the wooden surface "So the vault, and then, so– it's crazy"

"Who's supposed to, uh, do all this" Roman asked with genuine interest, scanning the station's layout, pointing at it in the process, but no answers made him look up, only to be met with everyone staring right at him "What– What do you mean? Why me?"

"Cause you got the biggest mouth" The blonde spoke with no hesitation whatsoever, "That's for damn sure" Tej mumbled along with Brian's comment, Sage suppressing a smile

The van's door slid open making Sage, Tej and Brian glance back at Roman who climbed into the vehicle as well, closing the door behind him "It's done. See I think I make a better special agent than you ever did" Roman laughed with his statement, but Brian keeping his expression completely vague

"Well, that depends on how you define 'special'," The ex-agent retorted, smaking his friend above the head whom quickly shooed Brian off, which made Sage chuckle at the two's banter whilst eating the chips she had gotten from Han

"Come on let's see what we got" Tej said as he played around with the remote controller, seconds after the camera view became clear on the screen "Ooh, come on"

"Dog, you still can't drive. See now I see why you're always getting into accidents. You can't even drive a damn remote control car" Roman spoke as if he was used to commenting on everything that he saw, which was true but still "I'm gonna need you to shut up right now. I'm tryin' go concentrate"

"I'm not gonna shut up!" The two men got into yet another cockfight, Sage annoyingly scoffed, throwing her empty chip packet at Roman "Man, strap him in his safety belt, man" The woman commented and the blonde chuckled at her words

"Give me the remote dog, go left, it looks like something over there to the left. What is that?" The camera eventually turned to the left, the vault at last appeared on the screen "Bingo"

"What is that, 6-by-6?" Brian asked as she eyed the screen attentively "8-by12?" Sage suggested but Tej shook his head "7-by-12. Fitted with 18-inch thick steel reinforced walls, with a insulated copper core to protect against thermal lance. A class three electronic lock with a surefire Griffin retumbler and a biometric palm scanner. Ten tons of top of the line security" Tej explained, even though none of them really knew what he was talking about judging by the confused looks that the three were exchanging

"Do I wanna know how you know all that?" Brian asked, and Sage also looked at the man, genuinely interested in what his answer was going to be "I had a life before you knew me, O'Conner. Let's just leave it at that, all right? She is a beauty though, man"

" 'A beauty' as in 'good'?" Sage questioned, looking at the laptop screen extensively

"Beauty as in she gonna start off playin' hard to get, then no matter how much I caress her, no matter how much I love her, in the end, she still ain't gonna give up that ass" Tej's words made the three men nod and Sage roll her eyes and scoff dramatically "Why did I ever agree to come with you three... that's it I'm driving and you three can stay back here" Sage spoke as the three men's laughing worsened

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