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"All right, so our target's name is Hernan Reyes" Brian spoke as he led the group to the table whom surrounded themselves around it "And he runs the drug scene down here. And he's never been busted 'cause he doesn't leave paper trail"

"No paper trail means no banks. And no banks means cash houses" Gisele added making Brian nod in acknowledgment "That's right, ten of them to be exact"

"Spread throughout the city" Sage pointed throughout the map that was displayed in the center of the table "And we're gonna hit 'em all" The oldest Torreto's words made eyebrows rise, frowns become evident and eyes widen within the ten

"All of them?" Tej repeated looking at Dom who nodded in conformation "All of them"

"That sounds crazy. Bring us to a whole nother country so we can rob the dude who runs it? I thought this was business, sounds personal to me. Is that what this is? I got love for y'all, but personal ain't good business. I can't do this, homey" Roman surrendered as he started walking away, Brian and Sage glancing at eachother impishly

"So what we're talkin' about is a hundred million dollars" The statement made Roman halt in his step, quickly spinning around in place "You say what?"

"Hundred– Hundred– See, sometime I be overthinking, man. And, uh you know, I know we just met, but– you just kinda gotta–" Roman stuttered his way through his sentences while rejoining the group, everyone suppressing smiles and smirks at the man's behavior "That's right. A hundred million dollars"

"And everything we take, we split it even" Sage added, Tej already doing the math in his head, mumbling random equations "That's a little over eleven million apiece. I am down."

A few more people agreed but when it came to Roman everyone watched him speak aloud "Eleven million... sound like a whole lot of vaginal activity to me"

"You can't pull off ten heists on the same mark. You just can't" The Israeli woman claimed as she looked over to her bestfriend "You know, as soon as we hit the first one, they're gonna do everything they can to protect the rest"

"Exactly" A mischievous smirk appeared on the oldest Torreto sibling while he spoke

Sage watched the man whom was delivering shipment to one of the cash houses attentively, leaning forward in her car seat to get a clearer view on him

"You ready?" Dom asked and the woman next to him just nodded, not saying a word as she was in her full attentiveness state, the Torreto faintly smiled at the woman who was confined in the moving man

The two got out of the car, joining the rest of the group. As soon as the door unlocked amd opened the man on the other side was knocked out within seconds. The team all stormed in the overly crowded and heated area, guns aiming at everyone made the numerous woman who counted the money scream and scramble, some ducking and some running around chaotically "Ninguem se mexe!"

Sage put the last stacks of money on top of the rest, before backing away from it, still holding her weapon firmly whilst watching the terrified women kneeling on the floor "That's all of it"

"You're a dead man. You're all dead men! You don't have a place to hide" The man commented as blood streamed down his nose from the knock out he recieved earlier. Dom being the first one to remove his mask, then following Brian, Sage and the others "Who's hiding?" When he saw the team's identities he clearly recognized them as you could see his eyes widened "Are you crazy? Are you crazy! Do you know whose house this is? Whose money are you stealing?"

The Torreto poured fuel on the stacks of cash, then pulling out a lighter and lighting it "We ain't stealin' it" As soon as the lighter hit the plastic and paper it transformed into one big flame, Brian, Dom and Sage taking a few steps back from it

"You tell your boss exactly who did this. Tell him there's more coming" And with that the team left the building, getting into their own separate vehicles and driving back to the warehouse

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