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"buenos dias jefe, i have to admit that i wasn't expecting your request for my presence only two weeks after the last one" sage rambled when appearing in the familiar entrance of the office

"es porque nunca me fallas" the response was processed by the woman who pursed her lips nodding and leaned on the door frame, both of her hands clasped around the shinny wood that was the doorframe

"mh-mm ok, que necesitas?" the dark haired woman questioned as she moved her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear

"i need you to join tonight's race for the driving, my men are tired of bagging up dead drivers" braga's words made Sage frown for a moment in confusion "so basically you're asking me to go undercover?"

"think of it how you want, just can't let the others know your with me" the reply made sage nod in response

"ok, see you tonight" sage ended the conversation before leaning off of the door frame that she never left during the entire conversation

sage got out of her 1967 Ford Mustang, she shut the door and scanned her surroundings before looking up at the see-through netting where braga was playing golf

"hey! what you lookin at, nutsack?" dwight's annoying voice could be heard from across the area, her head spinning around, to find out that he was talking to what seemed a blonde stranger who wasn't facing her "i don't know, you tell me" – that was until ofcourse she heard the voice that she couldn't forget even in a million years

"oh– the racer wants what dwight's got, see, but ladies dwight's already on the team. 'cause you gotta be fast if you–" as the overly bragging guy continued doing what he did best, sage approached the two, when dwight caught sight of sage his taunting words faded away, she did a double take at brian – the sight confirming her thoughts

"well, well, well, we meet again" the woman taunted brian who was washed with surprise "sage!?" the blonde voiced with a rising smile playing on his lips

"the one and only" the woman couldn't help a smile of her own which was now reciprocated by brian aswell

dwight who was creepily staring at the interaction between the two was snapped out of his gaze once Sage turned to him "campos doesn't like people bragging about his and braga's business, do that again and i'll make sure you're off the team faster then you became part of it"

"is there a problem here?" a familiar accented voice said from behind that caught the attention of the group

"no" dwight blurted before anyone else could say otherwise "not at all"

"you one of park's guys, blondie?" gisele questioned glancing at brian – him responding  quick and clear "yeah, yeah, I am"

"hanlon right?" the question made sage solely nod without anymore words exchanged between the bickering trio, ofcourse gisele had to ask despite the fact that the two already knew eachother – not to raise any suspicions "follow me"

"you know braga and campos well?" brian questioned – the reasoning behind the question was of when the woman threatened to have dwight removed from the team with no doubt in her threat, glancing back at sage who was walking behind him, a few racers following close behind

"uh, not braga never met him but i've raced on some of campos's roads and tracks" the cover up seemed to convince the dirty blonde surprisingly well, the rest of the journey to the golf tower was total silence from sage and brian, the loud chatter, conversations, music and so on being enough to fill in

"bull's-eye, coño, come on!" genix's rough voice was heard once they had reached the top, a few times his words being followed by hand clapping on his part

when a muscular man joined them sage immediately recognized him, and at first she didn't believe it but it was dominic torreto, the man that sage had secretly grown feelings for in the past years of their so called 'friendship', once the two caught sight of eachother they held tensed eye contact for a good minute, no emotion was expressed on either sides of the encounter besides sage's faint smirk once they broke their gaze

"oh! we could do this all day, dame, dame, dame, dame, dame" braga exclaimed as he continued his game of golf, ignoring his driver's presence

dom was in between sage and fenix, the two men shared a glare before fenix looked at sage – teasingly licked his lips while looking at her up and down, clearly not trying to hide the fact that he knew her, the woman could only scoff and that caught dom's curiosity

"you all know why you're here? g
good drivers... are a dime a dozen,
man every corner's got a chingadera tuner racing for pinks, that's not what braga's got me looking for  – braga wants someone that would sell their abuelita to be behind the wheel" the  explanation was like a recital to sage as she felt like she'd heard it a thousand times before, everyone just nodding along with the man's words
"someone that drives their 10-second cars not in a straight line, but to push it and make it through places no one else would take it. Real drivers, ¿entiendes?"

"so, what are we haulin'?" the deep voice that sage hadn't heard in years shocked her slightly, seemed like it was more baritone everytime she heard it

"oye, for the money braga's paying, you don't need to know" campos replied nonchalantly as he expected for the subject to be dropped "you just said you wanted real drivers – a real driver knows exactly what's in his car" dom pushed which both sage and gisele seemed to find intrest in "híjole"

"mira, real driver" fenix now stepped into the conversation making sage roll her eyes at the fact that she didn't see this coming – fenix always putting himself into other people's conversations only to cause trouble "nobody's forcing you to race"

"you the boss? or am I talkin' to the boss?" this seemed to offend fenix more then it should've, a frown becoming evident on his features "do i look like a boss?" 

"papi, my job is to find the best drivers... period" campos spoke, easing the tension between the two

"whoever wins the race gets the info" the man added while gisele walked over to each one of the drivers, handing them GPS's

"we cool?" campos asked making majority of the people there nod besides dom "are we cool?" Campos repeated himself a bit more sternly "yeah, we're cool"

"uh, no, we ain't cool man, uh who's closing these streets" a shorter man asked making sage look at him confused

"no one. that's the point" campos replied chuckling

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