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sage always had been a regular customer at the toretto cafeteria, she'd often drop by, buy a sandwich and fall into conversation with mia, and then end up staying there for hours upon hours.

her and dom rarely engaged, only brief greetings and short lasting conversations, but they knew each other well enough.

the woman always took interest in dom, but she never took it any further than that, because from what she'd heard, there was already another woman in dom's life, a woman sage never came to meet or see.

to everyone in the toretto family sage was quite the mysterious and unpredictable type, never ging out too much information about herself and barely joining them for parties or events.

but what they did know is that she would always be there if they needed anything at anytime, sage was a woman of giving favors.

she didn't consider herself part of the family, she considered herself a distant friend and she had no problem with that and neither did they.

brian and sage had gotten to know eachother mostly through tej in miami, she also helped brian with taking down carter verone, one of her former bosses, by sharing  valuable information.

sage always had some kind of dirt on everyone, even if they didn't know it, but she never used the knowledge to threaten anyone unless necessary. many different criminals and drug lords had trusted her in the past, and some still do.

currently sage works for braga, a high classed, international drug trafficker who is highly wanted by the police and just like the rest, braga trusts sage more than he should.

one day dominic contacts sage in need of a fake ID and a way out of the dominican republic as soon as possible with no explanation.

━━━ author here !

may 20 - this is me editing
some chapters while i'm on
writers block, i'm just correcting
some spelling and words <3

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