It's Over Isn't It?

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Grieving for my love. What a huge pain. I haven't been able to focus on any of my work. I've been throwing up more lately.

Right now I'm getting ready to attend the funeral. Oh how I wish I can just turn time back.

As I start walking, I see people get out if their houses also walking to the cemetery. I just cant accept the fact that my soon to be husband is gone. I continue walking there as im holding onto my stomach.

"Hello, Lady Tsunade." The shinobi welcome me.

I walked towards Jiraiyad grave and knelt down to my knees as everyone else watched.

"Oh,Jiraiya." I start to say as I moved my fingers across the smooth stone.

"How I wish that you were here with me still...we had so much planned, our wedding, the after party, you had to watch the baby be born, we didnt even get to raise it together, I will have to do it all alone." I say as I start to tear up.

"I miss you, come back to me." I quierly say as i sob into my hands.

Shizune walks over to me and kneels down next to me trying to comfort me.

"Its going to be fine m'lady. We'll be here to support you." She says.

"Thank you, Shizune." I replied.

I got up and went back to everyone else. As they all took turns putting down their flowers and gifts they brought for him. There was a picture of Jiraiya smiling. It made me tear up again. I will never be able to see his foolish smile again.

After the ceremony was over, we all just talked for a while. I didn't feel like being there so I made my way back home.

"Ugh, my stomach is killing me." I say as I look down.

I wonder when this baby will be born.

As i'm walking back I see Naruto. I walk over to him and sit beside him.

"He's really gone isn't he?" Naruto says as tears stream down his face.

"...yes." I say.

We start to cry and talk about the memories we has with him. They were good memories, very cheerful ones. But its all over now.

"We should be heading back now, its getting late." I tell Naruto as we make our way back.

I walked him to his home and said good bye to him.

When I made it back to the residence, I went straight to my room without eating anything.

I went straight to bed, but it felt so empty, so much space.

"Please come back to me." I whisper.

As I fade away to a very deep sleep, I have a wonderful dream.

"Well, Tsunade it was so fun having you around, I love you so much." He says to me.

"Jiraiya! Ah you're here!" I say as I hug him.

"No, i'm not physically here, im just here to...say goodbye." He says as he looks down.

"...oh, this is just a dream." I say.

"Im sorry Tsunade, please take care of our child and yourself, I love you, I dont want anything bad to happen to you or the child, raise it for me, dont forgot me or replace me."
He says as he pulls me into a hug.

"You fool, you'll always be my number one." I say as I hug him back.

"My time is up, I have to go now." He says.

"What?! No! You just got here, stay with me a little longer!" I say as I hold onto his hand.

"I love you." He says as he starts to fade away.

I wake up and start crying. It's over isnt it? Hes gone, and i have to learn how to let him go.

Rest In Peace My Sweet Love.

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