Just work

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Thoughts came rushing through my head once I saw him.

"O-oh, Jiraiya." I said.

He had this confused look on his face.
"Not even a oh hey sweetie how are you." He tried to mock my voice.

"HUH?! Are you making fun of my voice?!" I said getting angry.

At this very moment Jiraiya was rethinking life. I punched him out of my office. I didn't do it that hard if course , he is my lover after all.

"Do that again and I'll actually hurt you." I said smirking down at him while waking towards him.

"Ugh Tsunade that hurt!" He said pouting.

I don't think he can tell I forgot about him. I walked back into the office while he's following behind me.

"Tsunade you know how I said they will come back right?" He said.

I nodded my head.
"Well this time they probably won't leave, we have to prepare for that moment." He said.

"Yes , I understand but what should we do, we lost a lot of Shinobi when they attacked the first time." I said.

"I can help out."

"What are you planning to do?" I asked.

"I can stop Nagato, and his six paths of pain." Jiraiya said.

I won't lie I believe Jiraiya can stop them. He's very strong and nothing has ever gone wrong when he has been sent on a mission like this.

"Alright I'll leave that to you." I said.

"You will start heading out in 2 weeks. We have to repair the village and warn the people." I said."

(3 days later)

The village has been repairing nicely and we've got some supplies in case we have to evacuate. I've been spending most of my time with Jiraiya because he'll be heading it soon again.

"Tsunadeee are we done walking , we've been walking around for hours my legs are tireddd." Jiraiya said.

"Ugh fine we'll take a break." I said.

We went into the library and sat down. I just glared at him the whole time.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He said pouting.

"I still have stuff to do are your legs ready now?" I asked.

"Mmmm no, I'm still tired." He said.

I smacked his head in the table and he passed out. I couldn't help but laugh at myself and walked out. He'll find me but right now I have to go check up on the Shinobi guarding the walls.

I got there and asked questions. Everything seems fine , nothing unusual. So I decided to head back.

I sighed I was very tired. It been a long day today.

I felt someone creeping up behind me so I turned around and threw a punch. Turns out it was just Jiraiya.

"OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY." I said laughing.


We walked back to the building and got in bed. I guess I'm used to sleeping with him now, it doesn't really bother me anymore. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I didn't mind. I fell asleep peacefully on his arms.

I woke up the next day and Jiraiya was still sleeping. I woke him up and we got ready. We walked out the building and I went to the library to pick up a few books. We walked to Ichiraku and got take out becuase I will be busy studying.

"Tsuandeee." I heard Jiraiya say.

"What?" I replied.

"You're making me carry everything that's not fair!" He said.

"Ugh fine." I said and grabbed just one book.

"Seriously, wow thanks a lot for helping babe." He said rolling his eyes.

I just laughed at that.
We got to the building and he set down the stuff that I needed . I started reading the books trying to learn a new medical jutsu in case.

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