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It's been about 5 days since I sent Jiraiya on his mission. We send each other letters so it's fine. He told me he's on his way back so I'm very excited to congratulate him! I asked Shizune to go reserve a table in The Yakiniku. I know Jiraiya will love the food haha. I waited patiently for him to come.

*time skips*

It's already the afternoon and I ran to the entrance. Just when I made it there I saw Jiraiya and the other Shinobi.

"Tsunadeeee heyyy." He said .

"Hi." I smiled awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

I didn't want the others to know Jiraiya and I were a couple, although Naruto knew but I know he wouldn't say anything.

"Good job on your mission guys." I told the others.

"Thank you, my lady." I heard them say.

We all walked back to the building and they showed me their report.

It was them. The ones who are planning to attack the village. They attacked one of the villages we are aligned with so they are making their move. We have to be ready.

"Alright thank you , you can go now." I told them and sighed.

Soon after they left Jiraiya came back.

"I missed you babyyy~" he said while kissing my cheek.


"Aww cmon we're a couple I can call you whatever I want." He said while fake pouting.

"Ugh, whatever just come follow me." I said .

We walked together towards the restaurant and he said ..

"Aww you really did this for me Tsunade? I love you." He smiled.

I just blushed and we both sat down.

We ate our food and then we talked for a while after we were done.

"Congratulations on your Mission Jiraiya." I said.

"Thanks." He said while smiling.

"Tsunade do you wanna go to that place after we're done here?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled.

We both walked together to the place we always go to and sat down against a tree. He was holding my hand and I was just leaning on his shoulder.

"Tsunade ,I know it's a bit to fast to ask right now, but what would you do if I asked you to marry me?".

I was very surprised with that question.

"Well, honestly I don't know. If I get married I'll like to date that person for about a year or two." I replied.

"Aww cmon we've know each other since we were little why not get married right away?" He said.

"Well because we just started dating idiot." I said.

"Hmph- fineee." He said.

"Gimme a kiss." He added after.

"HUH- why ?" I said.

"Cmon to congratulate me that I came back alive." He said.

"Fair enough." I rolled my eyes and then gave him a kiss.

"I missed you so much when you were gone." I said.

"I missed you too." he said while kissing my forehead.

I just looked at him and he looked at me. I put my lips against him and we made out. His arms were around my waist and my arms were around his neck. I pulled his head closer and kissed him very aggressively. Then we stopped.

"Woah Tsuande~ didn't know you were so fierce." He said while smirking.

My face turned so red.

"AHH! S-shut up, stop teasing me." I said while punching his arm playfully.

"Okay, okay." He said.

After he just held me really tight. His body against mine, I can feel his warmth. I can smell his scent. I just closed my eyes and focused on him, and only him.

We layed down, I was laying on his arm and I just closed my eyes. He kissed me and said "go to sleep Tsuande." I fell asleep and didn't feel anything afterwards.

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