Here I Am

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As I was about to fall I was able to hit him... rather hurt him really bad.

" its seems as if my punches do affect you after all" i said while smiling.

As I lean down to rip his heart iy he flips me over.

"Well it seems as if you fell for my trick" he says. He puts his hand on my chest and leans to my ear.

"Say Hi to Jiraiya when you see him."
And without hesitating, he rips out my heart instead. Who would've imagined the last face I would was his.

As I awaken, I am lost in a spce thats all white.
I remember what happened. I died.
How foolish if me.

I died, Jiraiya wanted me to keep the baby safe, now who will be able to keep the village safe? I have so many questions ugh I shouldve never gone after nagato.

As I walk there is a portal I enter it and there I am, back in the leaf village. The only problem is the ones who welcome me are the ones wjo have passed.

Wait a minute.
If they are all dead..
I ran as fast as I can towards the main building I enter it and inside....

My great grandfather, the first hokage.
And alongside his is Jiraiya.
They are laughing then their eyes lay on me.


I smile at them as tears start streaming down my face.
I run to them and hug them.

They hug me back.

"I missed you guys so much." I say.

"Tsunade youre so grown up!" Says my grandfather.

"You look just like your mother!"

I laugh at his comment. I look at jiraiya and notice how he looks sad.

"I told you to stay safe..."

"Im sorry I couldnt help it, I let my feelings take over me and left without thinking and...well here I am now." I say

"Tsunade you were pregnant, now you dint have the baby anymore." He says.

"I know okay! Im sorry." I say as tears stroll down my face.

"Im sorry, im sorry, its all my fault." I say

"No, listen to me its not your fault please don't blame yourself."

As Jiraiya and I take our leave holding each others hand.

The Shinobi who have died greet us, it feels good being in a place seeing all the people you have missed.

But well, here I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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