Can't Wait

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It been a few days since my future husband left. I miss him very much of course , he asked me to be his wife after all. I'm still organizing everything for the wedding, I also asked Shizune and other fellow Shinobi to help decorate the spare room for my future child.

"Lady Tsunade, Lady Tsunade!" Shizune came yelling running towards me.

"Yes, Shizune?" I asked quite confused.

"The room is done, close your eyes and follow me!" She said.

I raised and eyebrow but continued to what she said. When we got there she lead me inside and took my hand off of my face.

"W-wow, this is quite impressive." I said.

"I know it is!" She said placing her hand in her hips.
"I planned it all!" She said smirking.

"Haha, good job Shizune!" I said smiling.

"Thank everyone else for helping out, I really appreciate it" I said looking at them.

"Of course my lady." They said and immediately left.

The room wasn't related to the gender since we still don't know what it is but it was decorated well. The walls were color a mint green color with a design of the leaf village. They put a crib that was white and a chandelier hanging from the crib with leaves made from hand. They added the diaper changing area and it was white matching with the crib and the closet and extra drawer were also white . It was really fancy, it was just plain nothing to extra. They also added a painting of a toad and a slug that looked very much alike to the toad Jiraiya summons, Gamabunta, and the slug I summon, Katsuyu. I laughed at that, look like my child will learn how to summon both of them. They added a few baby toys and a large dark green carpet under the play area.

'I can't wait to show Jiraiya the new room.' I thought.

I walked outside , Shizune following behind me.

On the way we spotted Naruto.

"HEY GRANDMA TSUNADE HOW YA BEEN?!" He yelled while coming towards me.

"I've been good how about you Naruto." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I've been great!" He said with a huge smile on his face.

I began walking away with Shizune and he just followed me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Uhh, just going with to wherever you're going." He replied.

I just signed and continued walking. We finally made it go the small shop and entered. Shizune talked to the lady and she gasped.

"Follow me , follow me." The shopkeeper said.

We followed her and she showed us the way to a room, and inside the room was the dress that was made for me.

It was beautiful , I can't find the words to explain it. Even though I wanted it simple and elegant the dress was still breathtaking.

She gave me the dress and I headed to the dressing room to try it on. I couldn't really fit it on in my chest part so I got Shizune to help me. When she was done we walked out and she looked at the dress.

"It's beautiful! With that body of yours and face you look wonderful!" She said .

"Well it was about time." Naruto said with this bored look on his face.

"Finally getting married, huh grandma?" He said.

"Stop calling me GRANDMA!" I said.

"Yikes! Okay okay sorry!!" He said.

"Wait but I'm having a child, wouldn't the dress get smaller since my stomach will be growing?" I asked.

Before she even answered Naruto yelled.




I scoffed and looked back at the lady.

"Well, Shizune here informed that the wedding will be held next month, I left enough space in the dress so it should still fit perfectly when the time comes." She said.

"Oh okay, thank you I said.

We paid and headed out.

I can't wait until he comes back.

I can't wait until he comes back

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(By the way this is the dress)

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