Gone On A Mission

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I got a report from the Land Of Stars and there was a pretty big problem . I would send Kakashi, but he was already out on a different mission. The only other person I can think of is Jiraiya.

"Shizune go call Jiraiya for me!" I yelled.

"Yes my Lady!" She said.

I waited impatiently for him to come into my office.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" I yelled.

"Tsunade you wanted to see me?" Jiraiya said.

"Yes, The land of Stars have a big problem going on. A few rouge ninja started attacking them and they don't have that much Shinobi left. I chose you to go deal with this and a few others who will be joining you."

I pass him the team I chose for him. It was Shikamaru, Shino, Neji, Rock Lee, and Naruto. Those are the only ones that are free right now.

"Okay I'll get this done right away." He said.

I watched him come closer to me and he gave me a peck on the cheek and left.

I saw Shizune covering her mouth and trying to stop herself from giggling.


"AHH, y-yes my Lady?" She said.


"A-are you and Master Jiraiya dating?" She asked.

"Hmph- Yes , we are dating. Now don't tell anyone or you'll regret it!" I said.

"Y-yes my lady." She said back.

She went back to do her work, and I just focused on mine. I have done all my paperwork and I can finally take a break. Walking out of the building I remembered Jiraiya was gone on his mission. I missed him already , but all I can do is wait for him to come back. I remembered the bracelet he got me and I just looked at it. I touched it while it was on my wrist. He was right, it felt like he was still here with me. I decided to go to the place where we always go. I sat against a tree and rested my eyes and didn't notice I fell asleep.

"Tsuande! Tsunade! Tsunade!"

I heard someone yelling my name but couldn't figure out who it was. I slowly opened my eyes and it was Sakura. I have forgotten I was training her haha!

"Oh Sakura have you finished your assignment?" I said in a sleepy voice.

"Yes I have!" She said while smiling.

We walked back to the village together. I treated her to dinner since she was doing pretty good in her training. One day shes going to become like me, and I'll be proud of that.

"Sakura I'm very proud of you" I said.

"Thank you , my Lady!" She said.

We talked for a while and then I walked her back to her home it was pretty late.

I went back to my building and just sat in my chair thinking about Jiariya. I wonder how he's doing right now. Right when I thought that a frog jumped onto my desk.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed.

" ribbit, this is , ribbit, for you , ribbit." Said the frog.

"Ohh sorry" I said.

I took the note from its mouth and then it disappeared.

"Dear Tsunade,
I know you're probably worried about me, but I'm fine. The mission is going well and we'll be back before you know it ! You know nothing can stop me . Anyways I miss you so much even though it's only been a day. You'll probably get this in the night so just know I love you! Sweet dreams my Tsunade."

I smiled while reading the note. This fool always knows how to make me happy. I went into my room so I can fall asleep. I thought for a while thinking back to when we were children and Orochimaru was still with us. I wish we could go back to the old days. I closed my eyes and I suddenly couldn't feel anything . I had the best dream of me having a happy family with Jiraiya and I wish it can happen.

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