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6 months.

I've been with Jiraiya for half a year. Everything is going well. We have our dates and we do more stuff then before. The village knows now that we are together, they keep on telling me to get married with him. I don't want to yet. I'm not ready for that, I still need more time with him. He comes to visit me daily always bringing me something. He should be coming now.

*knock knock*

"Come in." I said.

"Hey Tsunade." Jiraiya said.

He gave me some red roses. I gave him a smile.

"Thanks, darling." I said.

He came close to me and put his lips against mine. I didn't pull back or anything I'm used to it now. When he stopped he asked me what I was doing.

"Oh, I'm just signing these papers and looking at requested missions from other villages." I said.

"Woah, my lady sure is busy." He said.

I just gave a little giggle.

"Well, you should've become Hokage when they asked you to so I wouldn't be busy." I said.

He pouted.
"But that means I would always be busy and also you and me wouldn't be together because I had to go look for you." He said.

"True, true." I said.

"When are you taking a break, love." He asked.

"I'm not sure let me just finish this last pile and then we can go walk around or something." I said.

I finished the last pile and put everything back to where it was. We went out the building holding hands.

"I have to go check up on Sakura , do you mind if we go together?" I asked.

"No I don't mind." He said.

We went over to Sakura's lace and I checked up on her training, she's gotten better at it. We left her house and then I asked him what he wanted to do.

"I'll treat you to lunch." He said.

I smirked at him.
"Ah your the best Jiraiya!" I said.

We went to Ichiraku Ramen. I ordered a bowl that didn't have much. Jiraiya on the other hand ordered a bowl with a bunch of stuff in it. I'm not really that surprised but I was funny so I laughed.

Then I remembered about the books he writes.

"Jiraiya, do you still do research for your books?" I asked.

He looked at me for a while and then answered.

"No, I have you so just by looking at you I get ideas."

I felt my whole face turn red.
"HUH?!" I said.

He just started laughing and I was just angry.


"Just thoughts." He said smirking.

"Uhh, you're so gross." I replied.

After we finished eating we went back to the building. I did more work and he just stuck around . Later it turned into night.

"Jiraiya it's late you should get going." I said.

"Aww Tsunade wants me to leave." He said pouting.

"Can I please stay one night here." he asked.

"No! Are you crazy no of course not!" I said.

"Tsuandeeeeee" he kept on repeating my name and the question. I finally gave in and said fine.

"You won't be sleeping with me though you'll sleep on the couch." I said strictly.

"Fine, fine." He said.

I set up my bed so I can get in, and I gave him a blanket so he wouldn't be cold.

"Jiraiya turn of the lights for me, you're closer to it." I said.

He just groaned and turned off the lights. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I couldn't because I felt a bit awkward that Jiraiya was sleeping in my room. Then I felt a body against mine.

"Hey Tsunade ~" he said.

"Jiraiya YOU IDIOT." I said as I pushed him back to the couch.

"If you want to stay, stay in the couch!" I said mad.

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