I Miss You

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It been 2 weeks since Jiraiya left. Things have been weird without him around. I miss him bugging me and following me everywhere. If only he knew . I miss his hugs and voice, and even his laugh.

I decided to summon Katsuyu.

"Tsunade , you summoned me?" She asked in her very soft voice.

"Ah, yes I want you to deliver a leader for me." I told her while having a small smile plastered on my face.

"Yes , anything for you Tsunade." She replied.

I wrote the letter and this what I said.

Hey Jiraiya... I miss you, there's so much I want to show you. I hope everything is going fine with your mission... come back soon please I really want to be with you, I love you babe.


I gave the letter to Katsuyu, and she left. I let out a sigh and continued on doing all my work.
I went across a mission in the village where Jiraiya is near.

"Shizune, bring team 7 over for me." I told her.

She went to go look for Sai, Sakura, and Naruto. A few minutes later they all came in.

"Yes my lady what did you need?" Sakura asked.

"I am assigning you to this mission, someone is planting paper bombs on houses, they don't know who the person is so I need you to find out." I said.

"You will also bring Kakashi, and Yamato with you." I added.

I explained further details to them that they will explain to their leaders later on.

"Hey grandma! Isn't Jiraiya near that village!" Naruto said.

"NARUTO DON'T CALL HER GRANDMA!" Sakura said, while hitting him in the head.

"Haha, it's fine Sakura I'm used to it, and yes it is near." I said.

"HEYY I MIGHT BE ABLE TO SEE PERVY SAGE!!" He said fist pumping the air.

"NARUTO SHUT UP HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR MISSION!" Sakura said hitting him in the head again.

The team has left and I am back doing my work. I can't focus though. I want to see him. I decided to take a break and walk outside. I breathed in the fresh air. I decided to head over to the cemetery. I bend down and looked at my little brothers grave and my ex lovers grave. They were right next to each other

"Hey... it's been a while hasn't it?" I said.

"Well um... I'm getting married to Jiraiya when he come back, and I'm having his child. I hope you're not mad at me Dan, I was finally able to move on from that horrible past. I still love you but not like that, but I love you so much and no matter what I'll never forget those memories we made." I said while tears started to escape my eyes.

Then I turned to my brothers grave. Oh how my heart broke apart all over again.

"Nawaki..." I said, I had trouble getting words coming out of my mouth.

"I miss you . I miss you so much, you were my little brother and I loved you so much. I shouldn't have given you that necklace or let you go on that mission. None of this would've happened if I didn't give you the necklace, you would've been here right now supporting me with my hokage work and my child and my marriage. You could've met my child you would've been an uncle. I miss you Nawaki." I got up walking away, once again leaving my loved ones.

All the memories flood back to me. I run back to the building and lock myself in my room. Why do I always lose everyone I love? I cried for what seemed like hours until a letter came from a frog .

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