Chapter 8

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Before we start, Dustin John Higgs is going to be executed for a crime he didn't commit on January 15th. He was accused of killing three girls but later to be found not guilty. All witnesses, including the man who actually killed the girls, confirm Dustin's innocence. Sign the petition!!


I sat on the bathroom counter next to the sink. "This is gonna burn so hold your breath or something." Machi said while she opened the bottle of rubbing alcohol. She poured it on my arm which hurt like a bitch so i bit my tongue, causing it to bleed. The pain kept coming and i grabbed onto my thigh just because i needed something to hold on to. "Ah shit Machi." I said, leaning my head back.

The pain soon went away and i moved my head back down to look at Machi. She had a smile on her face and i saw Hisoka leaning against the door frame behind her. "You know y/n~ that really turned me on~" He said, walking forward. I look over his shoulder to see Illumi coming in. "Guys, in the nicest way possible please fuck off. This bathroom isn't that big and i'm trying to get stitched up here so if you could like-" I was cut off by the sudden pain in my arm, i looked down to see Machi's needle quickly making it's way through my skin. "Damn! You could've gave me a warning!" I said as i felt my whole body tense up. "It was best to do it while you were distracted. Besides, i'm already finished stitching, we've just got to put a bandage over it and then we're done." She said while opening my bathroom cabinet, retrieving the bandages.

"I thought you guys were having sex in here." Hisoka said while he looked at his nails. "I wanted to join~" he continued. "I need a new roommate." I said while watching Machi put a bandage over my wound. "All done. Don't use that arm too much you might rip the stitches." She said while washing her hands in the sink next to me. I hopped off of the counter and went to lay on my bed. "Hisoka!!" I yelled. He walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed. "Can you bring me icecream." i asked. He gave me a weird look and stood up. "You're not crippled." He said while walking out of the room. "Please!" i yelled. "Hmm~ Nope!" he yelled back. I see Illumi and Machi walk out of the bathroom. "Guys? Icecream? Please?" i said while making a pouting face. "Machi will." Illumi said as he walked out of the room, leaving me with Machi. "I will bring you icecream." Machi said, following Illumi out of the room.

Machi soon returned with a tub of icecream and a spoon. She handed it over to me and smiled. "Thanks Mach." I said while i took it from her hands.  She looked at me, confused at the nickname. "Mach? Cute nickname, i like it. Although i'm not really a nickname type person, but i can make an exception." She said while she sat down next to me. "So that Iza guy is your brother?" She asked. "Mhm. All my siblings are fucking horrible except one but i don't talk to him anymore." I said while i shoved a spoonful of icecream into my mouth. "Are you gonna have Feitan torture him?" She asked. "No way, wheres the fun in that? I'll do it myself i just need like a tutorial you know?" I said and Machi nodded her head. She was about to speak until someone burts through my door, nearly knocking it off its hinges. "Jesus Feitan what with the dramatic entrance?" I said while looking at the short man that stood at the end of my bed. "Machi said. you needed my. help." He stated. "Mhm!" I said, leaping up from my bed. "Y/n! Be careful!" Machi scolded me. "Relax, my wound is on my arm." I looked down at her and smiled, she looked away, clearly embarrassed at her sudden outburst. I left the room and Feitan followed behind me.

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