// Part Fifteen //

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It was almost impossible to get out of that building, it was like a burning inferno. Clearly it was not a building with good fire safety, plus I had to help Colby out as he could barely walk alone.

I don't want to believe that Becky is dead, we didn't even know each other for that long...I didn't even know her favourite colour but it's just odd. She's dead, she is dead. I still don't know how it happened or what even happened in that building, but Colby is in no fit state to talk. Ever since I got him out of the building, he's just sat in the back of an ambulance silent.

I've spent all that time pacing, trying to figure out how? Who set the fire, why Colby is being so hard on himself? Just why any of this happened? I roughly pull my phone out of my pocket and I see a headline. "THOUSANDS TURNED TO DUST! Today at around 3:30 pm, a large group of people turned to dust and we believe this to be the work of vampire hunters, but it's odd. Never have this many be taken out before and how? Many just disintegrated in coffee shops, gyms, supermarkets...people only saw them turn to dust? This is a developing story, so check for updates."

It's just so odd, maybe it has something to do with Becky being a vampire lord. I walk up to the ambulance and Colby is still crying. "I'm going home, you can come or find your own way home." He looked up at me, almost asking what I need to go home for. "I need to do work, I need to look at something." He wiped a stray tear away and I could see anger brewing behind his eyes. "Becky has just died and all you can think about is work! Do you want to know why she did it?" I couldn't stop myself from nodding. "She did is for us...she did it for me! She wanted nothing more to do with vampires so she set herself on fire, taking Uther with her. She killed herself so we could be safe! She did this for us and all you can think about is work, fuck you Ashley...just fuck you."

He jumped out of the ambulance and ran down the street away from me. "She did it for us...she killed herself so we could be safe!" Colby's words stung and suddenly it felt as though all the air had been knocked out of my chest. Becky is really dead and there's nothing I can do to bring her back and she did it so me and Colby could be safe, she gave up everything for us, two people she barely even knew.

Colby's right, I shouldn't be working not now. I should probably go after him though, he needs me and I need him, the last thing either of us need is to hate each other because that's when things will truly be over.

I run and I run, I just want to get away from that building but somehow wherever I go, I still see the thick smoke clouding the sky. I stop for a moment by a river, I close my eyes and I see it all over again, it makes me feel sick. Most of the time people wish to know why someone did something, but now I wish for the opposite. I wish for nothing more than not to know she did this for me...

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